Jackie Li

Ranch Hand
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since Sep 12, 2010
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Jayesh A Lalwani wrote:Open the Problems view. Go to Window/Show View/Problems. It will list out all the failures while compiling the code.

You can also try refreshing the project and cleaning it to force a rebuild. Sometimes, if you change some of the files outside of eclipse, eclipse doesn't know they are updated. Refreshing forces it to reload everything, and cleaning will force it to rebuild.

lol, Eclipse is very helpful. Just time on and off, need to go back to the basic tips. lol.
seems native query treat char as Character.
solution1: use query.unwrap(SQLQuery.class)
solution2: simply cast the column to varchar, cast(LAE.legalAccessEntityCode as varchar(12))
I think both are DI. However, traditional way of configuration is by xml, autowiring is something new using annotation.

It's autowiringable by name, by type, and some other ways. However, as far as I know, annotation is necessary for that.
13 years ago
Hi Christian,

You can find it here.

Good luck.


I haven't take the exam yet. But I am currently using MZ's study notes, and the book EJB 3 in action. And I found them quite useful.

I think now after Oracle take over, it has been a different story.

The processing time becomes much longer. Around 2 days after I passed one cert, the certdatabase showed status of passed, then 5 weeks after I passed the cert, there is still no further updates there. And according to some ranchers, it took around 3 months to receive the cert post.
13 years ago
pat pat, it might not be easy to switch to different language.

You might try starting with some Introduction to Java, and running some coding. Hope that would help.
oops. It used to be very fast, before Oracle took over.
13 years ago

Mikalai Zaikin wrote:

Jackie Li wrote:
I am currently in Singapore. Almost one month after the exam, the certmanager.net/sun didn't update anything after the passed status. previously there is a list of changes, within 5 days passing the certificates.
Not sure whether it's related to oracle..

Exactly the same to me - almost 2 months passed after status change in certmanager, and certificate not mailed yet. Their certification support is completely broken.

Hi MZ,

What's the certificate you passed? SCDJWS?

Btw, your notes are very helpful for me.

13 years ago

Vijitha Kumara wrote:

Jackie Li wrote:May I ask how long do you receive the certificate?

Generally in few weeks, depends on where you live etc...

...And have you ever checked your certmanager.net/sun, how long does the status changes?

In a week or two probably. But this may have changed since the Oracle's takeover.

I am currently in Singapore. Almost one month after the exam, the certmanager.net/sun didn't update anything after the passed status. previously there is a list of changes, within 5 days passing the certificates.

Not sure whether it's related to oracle..
13 years ago
i think its not thread safe, for spring single tones.
13 years ago
have you configured your ExceptionTranslationFilter, or in other ways, have you ever used your authorization settings?
13 years ago