luckay win

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since Sep 21, 2010
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Recent posts by luckay win

I am very new to struts2 .. but you said " JSON data is just a text string"..

could you please more detail? or hopefully you can give me a simple example for just a clue?

many thanks in advance

Hello All,

I am looking for example for how to save JSON data to Database (JDBC)

could any body please help

thanks & Regards
Dear All,

How to present checkbox on boolean type column of JQuery-Grid?

please help

Thanks & regards
13 years ago
Dear All,

How to present checkbox on boolean type column of JQuery-Grid?

please help

Thanks & regards
Hello All,

How to save jquery-grid to MySql database table?

I need advise

thanks & regards
13 years ago
Hello All,

Why I got this message???

"Unable to load configuration. - [unknown location]"

this message really uninformative! ..
13 years ago
Thanks, but could you please advise where should I put these .js below:

and what's inside simpleecho.jsp?

many thanks in advance

Hello All,

Where can I download complete example of JQuery-Grid especially for edit, add, delete records?
I tried to the simple instruction .. but no luck
and also tried to follow from the grid showcase ( .. and still not understand ...(ie. where should I put the javascript, struts.xml .. etc)

could any body please help me to start learn add,edit,delete mode on JQuery-Grid?

many thanks in advance

Thanks for the clue Johannes

it resolved now!
13 years ago
Dear All.

Anybody, please advise.. how to set font-size to the title of each
grid column?

I tried below .. but not working:

13 years ago

any clue? .. how to show records to the grid?
the codes below compiled with no errors or warnings .. but still unable to show the records array into the grid.. it seems like the gridModel does not effect the .jsp page..

14 years ago
Thanks and yes it works with 2 .jsp ..

but still don't understand why it does not work if just 1 .jsp..

14 years ago

I knew the problem will not occurs if I removed "implements SessionAware" .. but I don't understandy why ?..

so I thought the problem is not from: Object list = session.get("mylist"); line as I said before.

could you please advise what's going on there?

14 years ago
Hello All,

I am facing with "java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Not supported yet."

on my code

private Map<String, Object> session;

public String execute() {
Object list = session.get("mylist"); // this line thrown "java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Not supported yet."

could any body please help?

thanks & regards
14 years ago