Bob Petruzzelli

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since Dec 01, 2001
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Hello, I had this occur to me when I had installed the separate WebSphere MQSeries V5.3 CSD09 along with WSAD V5.1.1 After configuring my server, I realized that on the JMS tab I had checked off embedded messaging client. This conflicted with the separate install. I clicked on the "disable" radio button and my server started just fine. No MDB/JMS/Listener issues.


Originally posted by Gregg Bolinger:
You have to remove the Kaffee and there is one other JDK on there that I don't remember the name. You have to remove these before ever istalling the JDK1.3 or it won't work right. It may seem to work at first, but you will notice some bugs later one. You can use the RPM manager to remove those packages.
Again, remove before Install. Very Important!!

Thanks for posting. I've been experiencing segmenation faults in Red Hat Linux V 7.1 with Sun's JDK 1.3.1_01. Removing the other JDK's before re-installing Sun's JDK solved my problem.

22 years ago