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Sita Kodali

Ranch Hand
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since Dec 02, 2001
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Yes you can.

You can use standard MS ODBC Drivers if your is a Windows environment or xSQL drivers here: or here:


[ May 13, 2006: Message edited by: sita kodali ]
18 years ago
You can create an ODBC datasource or use JDBC drivers for Excel (such as xlSQL) and that's it.


18 years ago
Couple of issues.
If you are using tomcat 4.x, you should have your servlet in a valid package.
compile servlet class, place it in WEB-INF/classes/packagename/ folder.
If you have'nt disabled invoker servlet in web.xml, you should be able to access your servlet by http://localhost/servlet/package.class, provided your tomcat is up and running.
If you are using your tomcat4.x default installation without any changes, place your class under <tomcat-installation-dir>/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/packagename, then you should be able to access it.
If you are unsure about tomcat running, if running - on which port, use windows command netstat -a
Still unsuccessful, please post stdout.log from tomcat/logs directory
To access an unmapped servlet, you don't need to use <yourapp> name in URL, you can access it using generic /servlet/package.class
[ December 04, 2002: Message edited by: sita kodali ]
I guess this is the symptom of NAVIDAD virus.
Removal instrucations can be found here
22 years ago

Originally posted by Frank Carver:
As far as I understand it, none.
Filters are a Servlets 2.3 feature and the SCWCD exam only covers Servlets 2.2.

This is confusing
As per this page, the Servlet and JSP covered in the exam are 2.3 and 1.2. However, filters are not in the exam objectives.
Please clarify
[ July 31, 2002: Message edited by: sita kodali ]
[ July 31, 2002: Message edited by: sita kodali ]
oh my god
I have tried few applications available in this page - all work as expected. I'm almost fainted at the perfect results
This warns me not to use any computer other than only my own (not even the one in my office) to access internet for checking emails, bank details etc.
This is terrible
22 years ago

Originally posted by <Johnson Chong>:
May I know when does a company want to diversify? Is it to spread business cost; or is it that they don't have any cost management problem and they just want to rake in more money?
It is those women in their 40s or 50s who after having sax with you then tell you that they underwent hormonal injection gives love a bad name-by Jon Bon Jovi
-Jac A cutting edge technology will definitely be able to solve native, lower-end technology problems

Very appropriate in this forum
22 years ago

Originally posted by <wa wa>:

how do you know
22 years ago
Rio de Janeiro
22 years ago
Can't stop from replying
There is a cop around here and will warn you for your anti-American attitude
22 years ago
or the Times of India as a source of unbiased information about Pakistan/Afghanistan/Kashmir.
I don't know how Newyork Times treats the Republican Party, but the Times of India is regarded as one of the best publications in India (if not in Asia) and I'm sure I know better about Times of India than you know about the Newyork Times.
If you happen to have a trip to London or want to know more about this Kashmir issue, know more about it here
22 years ago
Gotcha!!! Sita Kodali . he He he
You are half right - It was me who hijacked this thread.
Actually, I don't know who started this thread
BTW. How did you get me??
22 years ago
Hell, e-mail this to him.
Thanks for your patience and to advice my GeeeeeeeeeeekyGirl.
She does not know that I am a regular at javaranch.
My dear geekgirl, I understand you completely now!
Let's get to know each other more
Don't waste your time telling your stories to these wicked bunch of java programmers
Can guys find geek girls attractive or is it something you just keep as a friend, your handy agony auntie when you find a "real" girl?
At this age - for me every girl looks attractive
Since you are geek, you look more attractive :roll:

(some old girlfriend broke his heart really badly)
I never told you about this - why do you add chilli and pepper??
Let's meet this weekend at my flat and discover each other more!
Call on my cell phone
Geek boy
22 years ago
So why are Mahatma Gandhi and American Charity oxymorons?
Gandhi is called Mahatma, which he is not and the second is obvious
22 years ago