Darryl Burke wrote:Not sure about the local variable and instance field part, but setValue(getValue()) certainly isn't a no-op. Read the documentation for getValue() and you'll immediately spot why.
JFormattedTextField#getValue() wrote:... this may not return the current value.
Rob Spoor wrote:You can save yourself the work of manually encoding the file. The JDK's bin folder contains the native3ascii tool which can do the hard work for you.
Rob Spoor wrote:Unless you specify values inside the Java code...
If you do specify values inside the Java code, you can use \uXXXX to inside the code to represent the Unicode characters. These can appear anywhere. For instance, the following is valid Java source code:
That's because \u0061 is the Unicode representation of the letter a, and the Unicode translation occurs before compiling. In other words, the compiler turns that cl\u0061ss and replaces it with class.
Winston Gutkowski wrote:
T Dahl wrote:when is the proper time to move to Java 7? I noticed it is still not available for general download.
It isn't?
Somehow I had the impression it should release last autumn. Anyway, it's possible to download both the JRE and JDK.
- Would it be risky to start developing with Java 7 now?
- Are there any known pitfalls?
- What about deploying applications written in Java 7?
Since you're plainly conversant with 6, what was your (or your company's) thinking regarding that?
For personal use: I'd regard any non-beta release as worth downloading.
For production code: Dunno. You might deploy it for non-critical systems first; particularly if you have a system (such as Solaris 10, or some of the latest Linux releases) that allow you to run them in a different VM (OS VM that is).
Campbell Ritchie wrote:Not sure how you manage not greater than 255, however.
g bag wrote:
And i wonder if domain names have underscores in them
Rob Prime wrote:The part between the @ and the a-z / A-Z part needs reworking. You can have multiple subdomains; back at University I had an @student.tue.nl email address. So you want to quantify the [^\\s] and dot together as well: ([^\\s]+\\.)*. That * means that rob@localhost is still allowed.
Rob Prime wrote:
If I need to do any email address format validation I usually just use javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress