Prasi Ram

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since Oct 12, 2010
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Recent posts by Prasi Ram

Dear All,

I want to add graphics to my jme application, I have no idea about it, Can anyone guide me the road map for that.

13 years ago
Hi All,
Iam developing an application using LWUIT, now i need to access mobile softkeys(left,right,up,down) keys in joystick, Whenever i press a softkey i want to call a function which displays something.. Here i tried to use getGameAction but nothing is happening while pressing softkeys.. Please help in this..
13 years ago
Hi Everybody,

I am developing an health alarm using j2me, I want to add tone to my alarm, Please tell me which package i need to use for this.
13 years ago
Hmmmmm Let me try something else then..
13 years ago
Thanks for the responses.. Actually even my self trying this for the first time. . I want to add some special characters and effects like(bold, italic ) to the text file which i have kept the contents.. So i thought y dont we go with RTF , so trying to implement

Lester Burnham, iam displaying the text items using normal graphics class drawstring functions, this time also I am not sure is this the right answer for your question
13 years ago
hello Lester Burnham,
Iam reading normally using file, fileInputstream things and putting them to Vector.. I dont know is this the right answer for your question..
13 years ago
Hello Everybody,

I want to read a rtf file for my J2me application, the problem is when i read the file the words that has effects like bold and italic are displayed like " \b \i word \b\i" . Is there anyway to read a rtf file properly to mob application. Please help me.. My IDE is Netbeans 6.9.

Thanks in advance
13 years ago
Can anyone help me out to debug in Netbeans IDE 6.5, I want to know the flow of a project.
13 years ago
Hello Darryl,

Thanks, Let me try with Canvas.
14 years ago
I have to change a text box's background color when cursor moves to it in java ME. Kindly someone help me on this since i am new to java me
14 years ago