Andreas Scheucher

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since Oct 19, 2010
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Recent posts by Andreas Scheucher

Sorry, for my sloppy answer. But I could not resist.

I do not have the numbers, how many Java developers left for other languages. And actually, I am not really interested in them.
Can only speak for myself. If I can choose, I prefere Scala over Java in meantime. I produce code, which is less error prone, then in Java. Mainly because of the usage of immutable data.
9 years ago

I took a short look at the example chapter of PostGIS and realized, Open Street Maps is not mentioned in the book. Is this becous of, they changed to PostgreSQL only during the last year, or is there an other reason for this?

Anyway, the book looks quiet interesting, and I would be happy to read a bit more in it ;)

Thanks a lot!

Works now like a charme
13 years ago
Found the problem

I initialized the select items with the enum values, but I should have used the string representation of them.

The solution is:

Maybe this helps somebody else.
13 years ago
I do not know a solution, but I have written a small phase listener, which logs the request parameters to the servers log.

maybe you can see a difference?

13 years ago

I know a very good starting point. It explains JSF 2.0 in conjunction with Spring and Orchestry (which extends JSF a bit, but very usefull!)
The downside for you may be: it's german
But maybe there is a translation. I don't know, sorry

The book:
The book online:

The online book also contains the link to an very good example application, which is build up during the whole book, which explains the concepts of JSF 2.0

If you miss some components, take a look at primefaces. Rich faces is not ready for JSF 2.0 up to now (well you can use the old version with some really painfoll limitations).

And no, I do not earn anything with this book. I only really liked it.
Maybe this helps some else, if it's not the right thing for you.

Very good as additional information source is the following book about XHTML & CSS:

It tells you how to build accessible state of the art web sites.
13 years ago
I checked now. The translation to english: The selected value is invalid

I also added the translation to the original posting.
13 years ago
ups! if I remember correctly it stand's for: invalid value
I will check in my office tomorrow.


Edit: fixed type. iPhone touchkeybordes 5 minutes before falling asleep can be tricky ;)
13 years ago

I am relatively new to JSF 2.0 and struggle around with Validation in my case.

my Facelet:

in my backing bean:

the validation problem:

Translation to english: The selected value is invalid

Btw: Bundesland stands for one of 9 organizational areas within Austria. Arbeitsgeber means employee.
Sorry for this horrible language mixture.

Anybody any ideas? I am running out of them

thanks in advance,

Edit: fixed a typo and added a translation to the error message.
13 years ago