Rajesh V Roy

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since Nov 08, 2010
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Recent posts by Rajesh V Roy

I passed SCEA exam. I am J2EE Architect now. This forum has given me a lot of guidance and inspiration. Thank You Very much to all of you.

13 years ago
Component inside component is valid in UML2. Bigger component is made of up of smaller components. What you are trying to do here is a decomposition of a bigger components and showing it's internal parts, which is valid.

PS: Do not complicate diagram too much.

Any other thoughts are welcomed.
That's an important question.
My answer would be YES on basis of the fact that Customer has shown a clear indication that they want to expand their market reach all over the world.
I agree. Its given that Inventory system is an existing system and it has to go hand to hand with Catalog system. So we can make safe assumption that catalog system is also an existing system.

-R. Roy
I hope you all have passed the exam at writing of this post. My take from this post are

1) Focus only on given business requirements. Negative scenarios and alternate flows will always be there and they are business domain concerns. You can safely make a favorable assumptions and provide extensible/adaptable solutions but avoid modifying or calling a use cases as a wrong as much possible as you can.

2) I am considering the "Separation of Concerns" principle here. Dealing with inventory tracking is a back office operations concerns. The clue is that Company has already made a sizable investment there to expand the capacity or inventory. That means possibility of inventory shortage is rare and company is already tracking the inventory system for this type of scenarios.

I have passed SCEA step 1 on Monday.
I have following suggestion which might be beneficial to you.
Put emphasis on fine level details of following topic from javaeetutorial5 which is available from sun/oracle.

Unified Expression Language in JSP,
JSF:advantages,Backing beans,life cycle,navigation model,jsf localization,event and listeners,
Also must take all mock exams at least 2 times which are already mentioned by other Ranchers in this forum.

Thank you all for your wishes. I am drafting my few suggestions which would be helpful to all aspirants. Thanks.
13 years ago
I am pleased to let you all know that today I passed Java Enterprise Edition 5 Enterprise Architect Certified Master Exam (Step 1 of 3) with 76%. I couldn't have passed it without the help and motivation from all of you. Many Thanks to all those who have shared their experience, notes and suggestions to fellow Ranchers.

13 years ago