Andy Lin

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since Nov 10, 2010
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Thanks for the reply!

I can make a new tomcat user, but I don't understand which role I should assign to the guest user I am making. Is there a default role that has no privileges to change anything and can only look at the webapps? Do I have to assign this myself in a xml file or is there a default like there is with "admin" and "manager"? How do I set this user to be the default user when tomcat starts for windows 7 system? Thanks!
13 years ago

I've looked around for this for a while, but I was only able to dig up information on linux based OSes. Unfortunately, I didn't set up Tomcat on my linux based laptop since I wanted to have it on a desktop. Anyways, I've been reading about security for having tomcat running and open to the public. I changed my port to redirect to from 80 to 8080 from router to my pc. I'm also going to strengthen password. I also read that it is best not to run Tomcat as root. Is there something similar in windows that I should look out for to restrict privileges like that comparable to Linux based OSes?

What else should I look for? I've never hosted a site before, and I just wanted to take precautions. The site I am hosting is very simple and just shows a sample work from school and hopefully more as I develop side projects. I am running this on windows 7 64 bit.

Thank you! Help is always appreciated
13 years ago
ahhhh... I feel silly now. Thank you very much for the reply. Punching a hole into the appropriate places in the firewall made it possible

Thanks again. Feel silly
13 years ago

I have a webapp running that will work fine on http://localhost/. The only thing I have changed is changing the port from 8080 to 80. I would like to be able to make this visible by the public. I have a DNS domain. First of all, I can't access the page using http://myipaddress/webappName on a laptop in the same network or router. The ip address I'm putting in there is from the internal IP address. Is there anything else I need to change to make this work? I'd like to take this to the next level, but if I can't see it on the same network, that seems like a hurdle I should get over before trying to make this public. I have windows 7 64 bit for os, and I used the apache tomcat 6.x installer to install tomcat.

Thank you!
13 years ago
Thank you for the response! Really appreciate it! I think all that's left is for me to forward the port, and I should be good after using the updater and changing the port from 8080 to 80 in tomcat's server.xml.

I didn't think about this before, but will this affect my security by forwarding port 80 on my router with this set up of tomcat and mysql? If I am fine, will it affect the other people in my house using this router? I've forwarded a port before, but I don't remember if I can specify a certain IP or mac address that would require this or if all machines accessing the router would have port 80 forwarded. Will there be security risks if other people have them forwarded on the router that don't? Will I want to open the 80 on TCP or UDP or both on the router?

I have installed the updater. When I try to connect, it says the connection has timed out. I did forget to set the default page. How do I set the default page the user will see?
I also set the port forwarding from 8080 to 80 for the moment. It seems I'm not able to access it for some reason. I'm going through a D-Link dir655 if this helps. Is there anything else I need to change? I just changed port forwarding and the connector port number in server.xml. I was also wondering if there's a sequence of steps to evaluate which part is not working. I'm wondering if it's the router or the way tomcat is configured, or not configured. Is there an easy way to find out if the ISP blocks web hosting on port 80 or in general? I don't have account info readily and that's not part of the responsibility delegated to me in my living arrangements

Thank you again
13 years ago
Hi, I have created a MySQL database and some pages using JSP and HTML. I also used some java as well. I can access this through localhost:8080 using Tomcat right now. The website is for personal uses, so the database is small. Performance is really not an issue. I am using Tomcat 5.5.30. I am running this in windows 7 64bit version.

I just want to be able to run this as a public website to use in conjunction with a resume. I want to run this on my machine that I use on a day-to-day basis because it's light enough that it shouldn't be too bad, or so I just assume. I tried looking it up, and some older information seems to suggest that Tomcat needs to be paired with Apache HTTP web server or IIS. I have also read some other information that says you can use Tomcat alone to host the site as a web server. I am not clear which way it really is...

I would really like to only work with Tomcat if that's possible. I got free hosting service and name from DynDNS(I don't mean to advertise this. I can edit this out if need be). I'm just not sure how to configure Tomcat to connect to this hostname or service to be open to the public. I know how to forward ports if that's necessary on my router. I read somewhere I should change the port from 8080 to 80. Will I need to forward port 80 then on my router?

From what I have gathered so far, is it just enough to configure the server.xml alone? Exactly what do I have to change on there to get it to connect to my host name and service. I have never hosted a website before, so I am a complete newbie on this. If I could get some instruction or tips on this, I'd really appreciate it.

Thank you very much
13 years ago