Raja Islam

Ranch Hand
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since Dec 07, 2001
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Recent posts by Raja Islam

i download the MIDP 2 but it is useful only for palm OS 5. currently i am using palm OS 3.5. what if i need my custom item into palm OS 3.5 is there any other method by which i can desgin my own custon item.
19 years ago
thankx for the reply.I search IBM site but did not find any link could you please help me or give me direct link from where i can download MIDP version 2.0 implementation for Palm OS.
19 years ago
i am using MIDP for Palm OS for developing application.Currenly available MIDP.prc is implementaion of MIDP version 1.0 if i want to use some feature of MIDP version 2 how can i do this?
19 years ago
i am opening a child window from parent window when i reload parent window from child window using opener.location.reload(); i lost focus from the child window is it possible to reload parent window without losing focus from child window?
I am capturing screen shot and sending it to different system in some interval. is it possible to avoid bandwidth usage we send only data which is changed for example I capture the image of my desktop and next time only cursor of my mouse is displace from its original position so I send only the new position of mouse and abject it to old image.
19 years ago
is there any free hosting where i can check my webservices ??
19 years ago
20 years ago
if we can communicate securely by using MD5 why we use https?
20 years ago
there is no error in it but it produce addition like 1261 that instead of 10.

var j=0
var k=0
var total=0
k=total+x.form[j+2].value//something wrong here
I want to create a programm which can access my system remotly like gotomypc or PcAnywheere.can any one tell me how to create this kind of application.or from where i can get tutorial on it.I know socket programming.is it create by using socket programming or what??
20 years ago
I want to connect my home phone through my computer using java.from where i can get help on it.i downloaded the telephone api and JTAPI.i want some kind of tutorial on it.
21 years ago
I want to connect my home phone through my computer using java.from where i can get help on it.i downloaded the telephone api but not find jar file for it.i want some kind of tutorial on it.
21 years ago
why we use JToolBar if we can do this by JButton.what the main difference between them.if JToolBar's setFloatable value is false.
21 years ago
Thankx for your Reply i found a single method and it is working GREAT.

static String md5sum(byte[] intext){
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
try {
MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
byte[] md5rslt = md5.digest( intext );
for( int i = 0 ; i < md5rslt.length ; i++ ){
sb.append(Integer.toHexString( (0xff & md5rslt[i])));
} catch(NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) {
return null ;
return sb.toString() ;
21 years ago
MD5 is Encryption algo but it is known as Digest.what is diffrence of Digest and Ecryption Algo.
21 years ago