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Amit Kumar Ghosh

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since Dec 14, 2010
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just add the method as normal method in abstract class, so you do not need to find and edit all classes to override this new method where this abstract is being extended.
13 years ago
The Biggest difference is versioning
Let us Think of a scenario where We have a project having multiple classes.
Now we want to add a method so that all classes in the project can access this method, we can either add this new method to abstract class or interface.

In case of interface
if we add this new method to interface, all classes implementing this interface must override this new method
and you will always find it hard to get and edit all classes implementing this interface, even if new method is not relevant to be overriden

[ UseTheForumNotEmail ]
13 years ago
Server view --> right click --> new --> IBM --> websphere 6.0 --> Enter Nodename and cellname that is provided while profile creation in websphere.

Double click websphere server in server view of eclipse.Open Launch configuration --> Go to Arguments tab --> VM arguments --> Delete -Xbootpath along with pointing all jar files(points 2 jar files).

Now Go to classpath tab --> Add External jar files --> Browse and add ibmorb.jar file.--> Apply.
Also increase timeout in websphere properties after double clicking websphere in server view.


This works perfectly(saw logs also), server starts wiothout error but closed automatically after start timeout interval.
13 years ago