This week's book giveaway is in the Agile and Other Processes forum.
We're giving away four copies of DevSecOps Adventures: A Game-Changing Approach with Chocolate, LEGO, and Coaching Games and have Dana Pylayeva on-line!
See this thread for details.

Lars Hamandouche

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Thanks for the reply but unfortunately that does not help.
We try to start Tomcat from another environment via an agent which does not allow to use net start.
So we are asked to start the server via tomcat6.exe and therefore I need to know why that does not work.
Thanks in advance!

13 years ago
I have installed Apache Tomcat 6.0.28 as a Windows service.
I am able to start it from the Windows service panel as well as via net start Tomcat6
But I would like to start Tomcat as a Windows service using the command line.
If I try to start Tomcat via tomcat6.exe it starts but not as Windows service.
If I try to start Tomcat via tomcat6.exe //RS//Tomcat6 it tries to start but then stops.
The only output I get is within the log jakarta_service_20101215.log
[2010-12-15 13:57:10] [info] Commons Daemon procrun ( started
[2010-12-15 13:57:10] [info] Running Service...
[2010-12-15 13:57:10] [info] Run service finished.
[2010-12-15 13:57:10] [info] Commons Daemon procrun finished.

Do you have any idea why this fails?
Thanks in advance!
13 years ago