Pramod R Bhat

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since Dec 30, 2010
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Hi Damon Oehlman & Sébastien Blanc,

Hartley welcome for the book review and Discussion. We are looking forward to discuss about Webapp development in Android.

13 years ago
Thank you Mr Peter.

But if I just copy the installed JDK and JRE folders to another computer it runs without hassle. When I do so, neither registry entry nor the java.exe would be copied to system32 folder. In that case, how will eclipse find the exact copied JRE from my system. Also I can copy the JDK and JRE folders to anywhere in my new system so that I avoid default place where they are installed using microsoft installer or exe files.

Hi all, I am curious to know how eclipse finds for an installed JRE when I run eclipse for the first time.

JDK and JRE works fine if i copy the installation folder from one system to other. I need not use the msi or exe to install JDK for the second system. My question is, will eclipse find out whether JRE is installed or not when I first run the IDE after copying JDK and JRE folder in the system.

Thank you
