daman sidhu

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Recent posts by daman sidhu

Need your help!! Whenever i change the code in the servlets in the web project.. i need to rebuild the whole project for the changes to reflect.. is there anyway i can just recompile the servlet only.. cause it takes like 15 minutes for the project to recompile.. which is a real pain as it eats up a lot of time..
thanks in advance!
20 years ago
Wow! That will be cool Kyle, will be looking fwd to that implementation! Mark,thanks for the suggestion, but in the current scenario we have to display the report on the web page itself.We are using a 3rd party reporting tool called web focus to generate reports.This tool has a servlet interface with which we interact to generate reports. So the reports have to be shown on the browser itself,but the user should have the option to surf other links on the site and when the report is done(in the background) it should pop up for him. MDB's may be a good option but then again using EJB's is currently ruled out. Am using the thread implementation only,will post up the code once im done.
Thanks guys!Appreciate the help
20 years ago
Hi Kyle,
First of all thanks for your reply appreciate getting tips from you specially. Well we had considered JMS as an option too cause thats what the specs say should be used for asnychronous behaviour, but later decided on this-the reason being we would have the learning curve for the same plus the guys here want the thing to be done pretty fast.. but ill try and suggest it again to the team and see what happens thanks for the help again
20 years ago
hi.. well the situation was that we needed to run a asynchrounous process..normally all the requests to the servlets are synchrounous ie the response is immediate and its a online sort of thing.. we needed the request to start a process and come back later when its done and pick up the result.. we have decided today how to do it- well be starting a seperate thread which will process whatever needs to be done(its basically passing some info to other servlet using URLConnection which will create a report and dump the output back),this thread will be stored in the users session(tho that may not sound very good-but it will work) and the jsp will keep pinging the servlet which will check this thread object-if its done with the processing it can redirect the user to the dumped report output page Will code it and run it and let u guys know if it worked thanks for the suggestions
20 years ago
Hey Guys!
Posting here after a real long time.Well i need your advice.We want to create a asynchronous reporting module where in the JSP will call the servlet for a report to be displayed, the servlet should somehow start a seperate process for calling another servlet which will actually connect to DB and build a html page for the report. Meanwhile the JSP should not time out, the first servlet ought to return the control back to the JSP which should keep polling this servlet for a status(if the report is done) once the second servlet is finished the first servlet should change the status and JSP should then redirect to the html page generated for the report. Hope im able to make sense out of what im trying to say. The thing i want to know is that is there a way we can seperate the incoming request from the JSP-ie the control should goback to the jsp to wait meanwhile the same request object should be passed to the second servlet which will process it. We were thinking of writing a thread which can spawn the second process but that doesnot seem to be a very good idea since this thread would be running in the servlet container. All ideas welcome
20 years ago
try using oriellys classes for the same, very good for multipart file transfers.. i guess they can be downloaded from their website.. tho i got them from the CD along with the servlets book..
21 years ago
I had done the very same thing in my last project.. after doing some R&D on blob i found a better option was to use long raw instead.. store the image in the database as long raw and just read and write it as byte array and display as it is on the browser.. ull get the desired results too and very less overhead as you wont have to deal with blob objects..
21 years ago
Is there any tool or way by which i can know that in a .jar file i have which .class files are unwanted(not being used) in the application?? I know this seems a bit far fetched but still had to ask..
21 years ago
Thanks for the reply, but preference object seems to be good for storing information in the registry and reading that information, but what i need is to read existing information from the registry.. basically i need to know where a particular software is installed.. any suggestions for the same??
Thanks a lot again..
21 years ago
Guys, please help me out! Does anyone know how to access windows registry from an applet, yes i know it will be a signed applet.. but can anyone help me in this.. of how to go about it?
Thanks a ton in advance..
21 years ago
Hi Guys, Have a problem with the include tag of jsp, actually im dynamically including a file based on a request parameter, but then i do that i am getting error of attribute must be quoted. Please help.. heres the code
String html=request.getParameter("file");
String fileName="/includes/"+html;
<!-- Include file -->
<%@include file=fileName%>
Thanks in advance!!
21 years ago
Have any of u worked on single sign on in WAS 3.5?? If so can any of u provide me some useful links and info on how to do the same it would be great!!
Thanks again Fellas!!
21 years ago
Hi Guys,
I am trying to look up a bean running in WAS4.0 from Vajava4.0 using WsInitialContextFactory class, i am getting classnotfoundexception. I have added j2ee.jar,ujc.jar,js.jar i found in WAS/lib folder to the classpath. Please advice.
22 years ago
No Kyle, I am trying to look up EJB's running in WAS4.0 from VAjava 3.5 on a remote machine.
22 years ago
yes , i have put the provider's ip there, but that is not solving the problem still and i am looking it up from visual age so theres no issue in jdk compatibility problem.Please advice what to do?? The same code works with Websphere 3.5 but in 4.0 i am totally lost in EJB's , GOD knows how IBM guys have implemented them.. i am upgrading my system from 3.5 to 4.0 and i am sick of 4.0 because all the EJBs are giving problems because of the compatibility issues with no proper documentation to help me..
22 years ago