Akshadh Khanna

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since Dec 12, 2001
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Recent posts by Akshadh Khanna

Thanks Dushy for your invitation.
20 years ago
Hello, somebody please, please send me an invitation to join gmail to akshadh@yahoo.com.
20 years ago
Please send me an invite at akshadh@yahoo.com. Thanks.
20 years ago
Can somebody please send me an invitation to join gmail? I would really appreciate it.
20 years ago
Red hammer.
20 years ago
Does this book address the needs of advanced ANT users too?
21 years ago
Did you solve this problem? I am getting the same error.
21 years ago
You don't have to install the whole application again in Websphere if you change code to existing classes/beans, or even if you want to add new EJBs. It can be done without uninstalling and installing the application.
I installed Apache Server and Websphere on 2k. After it was installed the web server and the app server communication did not work. Then, I found that including the path ProgramFiles\IBM\gsk5\bin and ProgramFiles\IBM\gsk5\lib in the classpath fixed the problem. You might want to try the same.
22 years ago
A .ear file has to be created using the Application Assembly tool and then deploy the .ear file using the web tool. After installing it, the configuration has to be saved and the app server and the web server have to be restarted again to start the .ear file. The .ear file should contain the .war file. Hope this helps.

Hi all,
Whenever I try to deploy a .WAR file within the Administrative web tool although it gets installed, it doasn't start.
After installing the WAR file, when I click on Start button to start the WAR File it just states that an error occurred, but nothing else.
I 've tried with many WAR files, and it always happends the same thing.
What am i doing wrong ?

22 years ago