harshi Sum

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since Jan 18, 2011
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Recent posts by harshi Sum

Thanks for your answer.

Actually my problem is with jess.
I'm using a trail version of jess that will work for 1 year.

But it says "This copy of Jess has expired" when I run the .jar file using command prompt.
It works fine with eclipse when program run normally.

please help me..
13 years ago

I have implement an expert system with the help of jess and java applets(for the user interface) as an university assignment.
Now i want to make a setup file (.jar)

Actually I have create a jar file with it, but when I try to run it with command prompt , it gives an error saying "This copy of Jess has expired.
createGUI didn't complete successfully"

I'm using a trial version of jess which is expire in 1 year (for study purpose).
I had the same issue before this jar file creation. (When i'm trying to run jess files through command prompt also)
But it works fine with the eclipse IDE.

Someone PLEASE help me.... as i need to submit this by 15th with a setup file.

Thanks in advance,
13 years ago

Rob Spoor wrote:Please UseCodeTags next time. I've added them for you this time.

harshi Sum wrote:I want to set size of the "combobox" , because it appears too large and very ugly. (Actually i want to arrange the things in a proper manner that it would look nice).
I have tried with "setMinimumSize" and "setSize". But it seems the grid layout is ignoring them.

Almost all layout managers ignore the value returned by getSize(). Instead they use the value returned by getPreferredSize(). getMinimumSize() and getMaximumSize() may also be used but only to determine the maximum bounds for components. You'll need to call setPreferredSize instead.

There is a but though. GridLayout uses getPreferredSize() of all the components to calculate the grid cell size. This is then the maximum of all preferred widths by the maximum of all preferred heights. So if you have another component that is longer or higher than your combo box then your combo box will still be stretched. To prevent this, either don't use GridLayout, or put the combo box in a JPanel that you put in your applet. This JPanel can keep its default FlowLayout.

Thanks a lot. My problem solved with GridBagLayout.
13 years ago

I'm new to java Applets.I'm trying to implement an expert system with the help of jess and java Applets.
My applet have 2 "JComboBox" objects. I have used the grid layout as a layout manager.

I want to set size of the "combobox" , because it appears too large and very ugly. (Actually i want to arrange the things in a proper manner that it would look nice).
I have tried with "setMinimumSize" and "setSize". But it seems the grid layout is ignoring them.

Here is my code.

Can someone please help me........ Thanks in advance.


this is the query.clp file (just in case needed)
13 years ago
Just moving the java file to the src folder solved my problem.