Hi all,
I am seeking your help in my assignment.
I am launching an applet through JNLP.
The directory Structure i am following is like this
The main code is here
This applet communicates with the servlet DaytimeServlet using the function httptext().The servlet connects to the database and returns back the values for filling the table.
When i am launching the applet via jnlp without the servlet it is launching fine.i.e i have hardcoded the values in the applet code only.But when i am trying to launch the applet with the servlet communication for getting the values from the database i am not able to launch it ..
i am not getting any errors ..i dont see anything
here is my jar file
here is my jnlp file
Anyone please suggest me where i am going wrong.Or please suggest me some atricles or link where i can get the communication going fine ..How to make this JNLP applet-Servlet Communication possible?