s mangal wrote: Unit testing is critical for all projects, agile and non-agile. Lack of formal QA makes it all the way more crucial for agile projects. In my experience, UT is one of the hardest things to enforce upon a team specially when there are lot of junior people who may not equal appreciation for UT as their senior counterparts. And than there are those who may agree in principle but fail in day today implementation. Business pressure to squeeze last minute feature also hurt this. Are there better ways(tools/processes) to keep team motivated to keep writing good quality/coverage UT.
Jeff Langr wrote:Here are a couple blog posts on the topic:
Jeff Langr wrote:
Story cards are not artifacts! Once you complete work on building a feature, the card is meaningless. You might think you could use it to track what had been done in a given iteration, but a 5-word summary of a several-day conversation (between customer and developers and other folks) scribbled on a card will not likely be meaningful to anyone six months down the road.
Mohamed Sanaulla wrote:On a lighter note: I have seen Tim and Jeff providing in depth replies to the queries here. And they yet managed to put their ideas in a concise form on the Flash cards
Mohamed Sanaulla wrote:
Jimmy Clark wrote:No, it is not dependent upon technology. Agile is a methodology for creating technology, i.e. software.
By technologies I meant- Programming language/ technology using which the software is built.
samarthya saurabh wrote:
Probably it is not just about the ONE - team working one project but when knowledge is the key and a resource expertise might prove valuable to some other projects, his time needs to be borrowed and that is when the resource is reluctant may be because he is thinking of the task and the sprint. This is not always the case but yes I have certainly seen that.
Raghavan Muthu wrote:Tim and Jeff,
What is your view point on the story cards? Do you cover it on your book?
In my view, some extent story cards are more of the RUP documentation only. The way it is written is what it differs. Right?
Sai Hegde wrote:I have been using Agile programming methodologies for a while, and more recently switched to a newer organization.
As you say this is one of those 'stable' companies very reluctant of any change... How would you go present a cost benefit effectively using agile through the product lifecycle.
Mohamed Sanaulla wrote:Did Jeff and Tim mention the advantage of Flash cards? One can circulate it among friends easily, and carry along to read while waiting in queues.
A disadvantage? People might loose the cards which they borrow
Jeff Langr wrote:
I think the most important thing to understand, if you're to try agile, is to realize that it's not just this set of practices that can be easily summarized with bullet points (despite our cards!). Success requires a thorough understanding of the agile principles and belief in them, most importantly the idea that we don't sit still and rest on any levels of success--we seek to figure out what's messed up every few weeks, adapt, measure again, and keep correcting course.
samarthya saurabh wrote:
Assuming there are a set of tasks and they are not completely related but, eventually when the feature goes live these tasks will have to interact. So considering an individual developing a task with relative independence has to interact at times with peers just to ensure the requirement or expectations are laid out for the members who will interact with his coded module. He has to interact with Test teams to make sure information is well conveyed. This is all because of lack of documentation (Zero documentation about design) and parallel development. A developers shoulders a responsibility of completing a task on time and in all probability might be reluctant to give the time required. If he does he cannot account it in any specific task, because these discussions takes time, sometimes too much. (I hope I am able to clarify)
samarthya saurabh wrote:
Tasks are assigned to teams? I am not sure I understood it correctly. As in practice we as a team take up stories and tasks are assigned to individuals on voluntary basis, is it not the proper way?
samarthya saurabh wrote:
Tim Ottinger wrote:
1) It sounds like your stories are too large. We have a card or two on breaking them down.
The story usually is cut down to almost a feature requirement, but with a defines set of tasks, sometime related and sometimes un-related or by-products. How to decide if the story is too large? We just put down T-Shirt sizes to it and yes we do have Large, Medium and small as the sizes. What should be an optimum sprint size? Is it decided before hand or should it be based on the stories we tend to include or number of spill overs we have?