dhoni Gibson

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since Feb 10, 2011
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Recent posts by dhoni Gibson

I have requirement where i need to call webservice from my code which is external service opened up.

I am using Spring RestTemplate for calling external service.

entityObj carries my request Object which is been marshalled.

when i have my request object(XML) limited to 2o elements my external service receives the request object then processs it and send out the response, if number of request elements exceeds 20 then external service is not receiving any request. mean while my server hangs out and seems to be waiting for response. I dont know where i am going wrong. I am using weblogic server for posting http request.

Note :-

I tested using my Junit where i posted 40 elements and it was successful.. the problem happen when i deploy into weblogic server. server might be blocking the data for some reason ..

I really appreciate response.
12 years ago
Hi All,

MY APPLICATION STRUCTURE :My project (let us say AAA) which has packaging as JAR. project AAA is added dependent for web project BBB and BBB inturn module for CCC which is an EAR.

while doing AAA project maven build, maven is not including the dependent jars as part of packaging, and deployment eventually fails when i deploy the ear package.


1) how to make common libraries share among parent and child projects so that avoid duplicates
2) how to include individual project libraries (which is not common) during maven build

12 years ago
HI Peter,

I am newly using flexmojos maven plugin for my flex project and in the process of learning ... forgive me for asking some basic question .. because i couldnt find proper documentation for flexmojos plugin. some how i got below link which may have answer for you question..


I appreciate you response.

12 years ago
Hi Peter,

thanks for your reply, as the error message says to change the scope to either provided, compile, runtime, test or system which are specific to maven-plugin, where as i am using flexmojos-maven-plugin which has its own scope called "theme".

i am trying to make maven to execute flexmojos-maven-plugin which will execute the build instead of using default maven-pluign.
12 years ago
HI All,

I stuck with the problem "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration" while using flexmojos-maven-plugin and getting below warning when doing maven build

[WARNING] Some problems were encountered while building the effective model for com.cccis.appraiser-management:appraiser-management:swf:2.1
[WARNING] 'dependencies.dependency.scope' for com.adobe.flex.framework:spark:swc must be one of [provided, compile, runtime, test, system] but is 'theme'. @ line 80, column 11
[WARNING] 'dependencies.dependency.scope' for com.adobe.flex.framework:halo:swc:theme must be one of [provided, compile, runtime, test, system] but is 'theme'. @ line 88, column 11

i checked my maven central repositry and we have flex-maven-plugin and dependecy jars. but somehow the maven is not recognizing flex mojo dependency. i really appreciate the help
12 years ago
Hi Greg

Thanks for your post. i read through the link and learned issue was between two different platforms while encoding characaters.my issue is bit different, I am running my application in unix environment where i had issue while reading through zip file. i happen where my zip data is persisited in db and while reading through the java code i couldnt recreate the data inside the data.

i have fixed the issue which i have mentioned in the previous post.

i want to know whether i need to use same encoding format which my database is using.

i am using oracle database which uses US7ASCII as encoding . where as my jvm uses US-ASCII.
12 years ago

i got it. i am pasting the code with the byte to char conversion code here.

Old code here

New code with byte to char conversion

once i got all the bytes.. i will convert the bytes into the text data in the new code

12 years ago
hi paul

appreciate your apply on this.

1) i want to convert the zip data (byte) into the character later i will form the string object.

2) i was passing the encoding as jvm argument as below.


hope i answered your question

12 years ago
I had problem in converting blob object (which was stored as zip) to string. since i used different encoding format while reading from the database vs encoding used by database to convert the data to blob object.

below code creates problem if i use different encoding

i fix the issue by replacing the above code with the below one

so please advice me whether it is correct approach to fix the problem in case of reading the file in different encoding . i feel there is no much difference between code, but second code fix my problem (educate me how does the second code fix the issue).

i appreciate you reply on this
12 years ago
hi koushik,

the tutorials are really good.. maven tutorial really helped me in setting up a maven project in eclipse. keep the good work going

13 years ago
thanks for all your reply. naveen i meant to say class that implements runnable interface. i apoligize for not making it clear.
hi ed/william,

Thanks for your reply . i have few questions for you

i have runnable class to which i can pass my shared class through constructor. just for my knowledge , william please let me know why cant we use thread instead of runnable class. do you have any specific reason to use runnable object.

in addition i have one more question to all.. instead of passing whole class to the another thread; can i pass simple variable so that i get the status say 'success' or 'failure'.

hi ed,

thanks for you reply. can you please explain me with an example. i believe that you want me to pass the shared class to the thread ( being invoked ) through its costructor.

Hi all,

i have to throw checked exception from child thread to its parent thread. since run() method doesnt allow us to throw exception out of it, i am stuck here, please help me how to handle this situation.

i want to know whether the logic inside the child thread has been completed successfully or not.

Thanks in advance
Hi All,

I have got JOB offer from ABC(US) company upon giving me an offer letter in which my paystub (without salary break-ups), company benefits etc are mentioned. can i take this as my enagement with the ABC company is confirmed and quit my current company.

i heard the job offers are made usually by giving offer letter and not through appointment letters; is this true?

if above said is not the case, then i need to ask for an appointment letter from my future employer , so that i confirm my employement with the ABC corp.

I am currently in working visa and visa transfer is in process. please advice on this

Thanks in advance
13 years ago