Carlo Lopez wrote:
Do you think Android can increase the use of linux in desktop? (in the long run at least)
Do you think releasing a desktop edition of the Android OS would be a good strategy to increase market share?
Renz Alexander wrote:
will your book include any topics about android NDK?
Pieter Greyling wrote:
Our book shows you both how to get started and advance to proficiency with Android SDK development following these steps:
1. Chapter 1 - Android Fundamentals: We introduce you to Android theory, the SDK and IDEs in a hands-on, practical fashion.
2. Chapter 2 - Development Tools in Practice: You learn to master the development tools of the trade with a practical application project that also serves as a how-to collection of Android programming techniques (logging, menus, toasts, notification, alerts, UI controls, files etc.) progressing all the way to creating a signed, Android Market ready, application package (APK).
3. Chapters 3 to 11: We present in-depth coverage of diverse code projects that serve to widen and deepen your understanding of the both the Android Platform and it's possible applications.
Rupert Brown wrote:Lucas, Pieter,
I've a number of years experience using Java, especially Java2D. A couple of questions:
What is the best way to "come at" Android's Java SDK?
Are you able to do Java2D type drawing with Android, or is it a different model?
Regards, Rupert
Ben Hills wrote:Hi all,
I am fairly new to Android development and I have recently finished the excellent Hello Android book. I now feel I have a good grounding in basic Android development but I would like to increase that knowledge further. Can anyone recommend a good follow on book to Hello Android that goes deeper into Android app development?
Jeff Swope wrote:whats lua sl4a? thnks
Raghavan Muthu wrote:Hello Lucas Jordan & Pieter Greyling,
Congratulations on your book. I had seen the description of the book in Amazon.
I have a few questions.
1. How different is your book from other Android books?
2. What are the challenges while interacting/binding the Android apps with LUA, SL4A etc.,?
3. How about covering any security/authentication aspects in android? Does it have any inbuilt features?
Thanks in advance.
Raghavan alias Saravanan M
Lucas Jordan wrote:I think this book is different because it reaches outside of the normal Android development process. Pieter did an excellent job of showing that Android is more than just a Java development environment. And I think I showed that HTML and Flex/AIR apps are valid technologies on Android. We tried not to waste pages on things that are easily googled, we wanted to show how flexible Android is, and how well it can fit into a bigger development ecosystem, interacting with services and reusing code.
-Lucas Jordan