Milan Djukic

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since Feb 14, 2011
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Recent posts by Milan Djukic

How can i programmatically select button? Like JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(......,Object initialValue) .
12 years ago
How to put, for example, button on right side of window?
I tried everything..
12 years ago

Instead of Thread.sleep() i make a thread where i dispose the dialog

Is this ok way?

Code is simple something like that:

When someone click on button i want to change label text and to close dialog after 1 second. This not works because label is refreshed when function is ended.
How to solve this?
I solved this but this is stupid way.
I just sleep client for 100 miliseconds like that:

Whay now works?
Sorry for late answer.

Here is thread:

Button listener (ActionListener)

I want to run some kind of loading (refreshing text) while programs works in background.
I'm tried with thread but it not works propertly.

This is my algorithm:

1. enter data
2. start loading thread
3a. if data OK stop loading thread and show result
3b. else stop loading thread and return to 1

Thread in run method have infinity loop "while(true)". I stops thread with thread.inrerupt();
Problem is when i enter wrong data second time. When enter data second time thread first stops and then starts! (but first is called start).

I know that threads can do this but how can i solve this?
my bad, contains. Syntax is ok but function not works.

This way works:

12 years ago
Why this not works?


12 years ago
How can i get all foreign key columns with theirs mother tables?

For example i have AA foreign column. How to know what table is mother table of this column?

I use DatabaseMetaData interface and i know how to get foreign columns but dont know how to get mother tables
I write true and false but still nothing. The problem is when i set value to one variable the value is not permanent. Next time when i call function value is false. Why?

No, i didnt say to read, but if you know from experience with commons.
13 years ago
You'r right. I use org.apache.commom.fileupload and multi-part form

Can you tell me how to get parameters i dont have much time to read documentation
13 years ago
When i write System.out.println(request.getParameterMap()) i get "{}".

13 years ago