Dura Hurtado

Ranch Hand
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since Feb 16, 2011
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Recent posts by Dura Hurtado

Hi, yes you can. Also I use Glassfish with JSF 2.0 and it works fine.

12 years ago
Hi I have been googling and I haven´t found the solution. Anyone could advice me about the next mistake:

and my .xml is as follows:

I would appretiate any answer. Thanks in advance.
13 years ago

when I redirect to a file which is recover fron the backBean, it doesn´t works,

<p:menuitem value="principal" ajax="false" target="#{menuBean.retorno}"></p:menuitem> doesn´t works it doesn´t send me to the page which I am trying

to redirect.

¿Any idea?

13 years ago
Hi, I am trying to set a paypal donate button in my app , but the code paypal give me is this way:

Then when I in it in a. xhtml page it doesn´t reconigze the form tag.

¿Anyone know what way could I in it?

Thanks in advence.
13 years ago
Hi I am trying to build a galleria and it is imposible I have done an important research but nothing found about why with this code my page appears empty and no error is shows in the console.

¿Any knows about it?

13 years ago
Hi I am trying to redirect to a .xhtml form a back bean but nothing happens.

This is the code:

and the primefaces component is:

¿Any idea?

Thanks for reply.
13 years ago
Hi I am working with JSF and jquery and my commandButtons worl well but when I in the code jquery works well but the button don´t redirect anymore.

plugin is:

¿Any idea ?


13 years ago
Hi I am trying to change this plugin form rectangular shape to an ellipse.

¿Is it possible?

¿Any clue?

Hi I am looking for a componenet which integrates text and image in itself.

For example, it would be useful for show a Machupichu´s photo with a descriptive text, but for work in a dinamic way , I mean if the user changes the photo by a click then the text change too.

¿Any idea?

13 years ago
Hi I am trying to run a gallery example which is shown in the primefaces showcase and it doesn´t any console error, in the brower nothing appears just a white page.

I just have copy and paste it, then I am going to put here my code so maybe anyone cold tell me why it happens.

¿Any clue?


13 years ago
Thanks it has been very helpful. I have found the solution.
13 years ago
Hi I am using JSF 2.1 RI and jquery the thing seem very simple but imposible for me.

I cant show the image this way:

Console error:

¿Any idea?


13 years ago
Hi I am trying to deploy an example with richfaces, but I get the next error:

The web.xml

¿Any idea?

13 years ago