H. Ali

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since Feb 25, 2011
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Recent posts by H. Ali

thank you guys

can you give us some guidelines about how you prepared and time management in actual test and tips....

well what i did is that i studied K&B book and then i reviewed the principles using the two minutes drill and i focused on the questions ... there are about 150 questions in the book and they are great .... and i also studied alot of mock exams
since you asked about time ... it took me alittle more than two weeks of preparation but i studied more than 10 hours aday
13 years ago
it's just a great feeling....it's like victory!!
thank you all ranchers
13 years ago
hi everyone
i finally did it and with a great score 98% (59 out of 60)
i would like to thank Kathy Sierra & Bert Bates for their fantastic book and all the ranchers for being there whenever needed
It's time to celebrate
13 years ago
does anyone know if the exam application has a calculator???

and another questions to those who have been through the exam, do they search you??? am really just curious! i want to know what i am allowed to take and what i am not
hey guys am serious
do they like strip you or something???!!! to see if you have a wire or something!!!
do they search you or what you have in your pockets???
This question is on page 777

What is the result of this code?
A. It prints X and exits
B. It prints X and never exits
C. It prints XY and exits almost immeditately
D. It prints XY with a 10-second delay between X and Y
E. It prints XY with a 10000-second delay between X and Y
F. The code does not compile
G. An exception is thrown at runtime
􀀂 ✓ G is correct.The code does not acquire a lock on t before calling t.wait(), so it throws an
IllegalMonitorStateException. The method is synchronized, but it's not synchronized
on t so the exception will be thrown. If the wait were placed inside a synchronized(t)
block, then the answer would have been D.

i understand the answer
but let's (assume) that the code is correct and would compile
as you can see we didn't override the run() method....we used the one in the Thread class and it doesn't print anything
but when we did t.start() the run() method still ran even though nothing is printed....so after that isn't the thread t supposed to be dead??? i mean we did call t.wait() after that and i believe that the thread would be dead by that time???
so what do you think?
well i have whizlabs but i think (or maybe i hope) that its questions are more difficult than the ones on the real exam

when we say something like this

well what's with the formatting???
we use formatting when we are printing something to the output!
why are we formatting what we are reading and how come that's possible!!!
i have just a few days and am reviewing all the concepts using K&B two minutes drill
is there a source of questions you recommend that i should use in the days i have left?
i need to know how many questions i have to solve ... i think 72 but am not sure
and how much time exactly do i have ???
do they search you before the exam to see if you have a wire !!! or something??? do they take you phone??? it's not that i want to cheat!!! but i just want to know because the last thing i need is a surprise on the exam
Thank you guys
i actually should have given it a second thought because the answer is really clear...It's all explained in the K&B

you are very welcome
i was actually asking about the question in this topic:

is it possible that
printValue is printed then printName ??
source : whizlabs

hi guys am really feeling like this after this question
am going in a few days and i still find surprising stuff
why is the output Number... Float seems smaller!!!