prajapatisagar Sagar

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since Feb 28, 2011
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Recent posts by prajapatisagar Sagar

Tim Moores wrote:Sounds like the text is not properly encoded somewhere along the way. Without seeing the relevant parts of the code, there isn't much we can advise.


Where or what is that? If it's a console of some kind, make sure it can display Unicode characters (most consoles can't). If it's a text file, make sure to open it in an app that can handle Unicode.

I am doing System.out.println() in eclipse IDE and running the sample program as java application. Also checked the JVM supports UTF-8 Characters.
4 years ago
I am trying to send nepali sms and i am facing issue when we get value from form field

Message example  "मेरो नाम सागर हो"

when i pass through jsp page and sysout in java its string value is "मà¥Âरॠनाम साà¤Âर हà¥Â" and when sending this value through sms API we are getting same garble text instead of "मेरो नाम सागर हो"

But when I set static string message value example message="मेरो नाम सागर हो" and sysout value is "मà¥à¤°à¥ नाम साà¤à¤° हà¥" and when sending this value through sms API we are getting correct sms with मेरो नाम सागर हो msg

So I stuck with this dynamic content get through form field any sort of help means alot.
4 years ago
Hello Everyone

I am trying to connect to two webservice one using SSL handshake and another one simple IP binding. The issue is when we start tomcat and try to connect these API, if I search SSL handshaking site first then IP binding site, then both API works we get response from both ends but if i first search webservice with IP binding then SSL handshake then i am not able to connect to ssl handshake site and get connection error stating " fatal alert: bad_certificate"
Anyone facing similar issue please help

Thank in advance
i have a index.jsp page when we browse the context the index.jsp page shows the utf-8 character and after some interval that is after session out the page is redirected to same index.jsp now the utf-8 character is shown as ??? ??? please help.

Thanks in advance
11 years ago
In jsp i am writing these hex values so that it prints नेपाल when run

can any one help me better method thanks in advance
12 years ago
why there is difference between the tomcat server time and oracle time both are kept in same system.The difference is about 1 min can any one help with this issue.
12 years ago

Ulf Dittmer wrote:What stops you from doing this? Or do you want to do any of those steps programmatically? In that case we'd need to know what kind of application this is - web, desktop, ... ?

this is a web application and i am not able to open my existing excel file to be opened in the excel application
12 years ago
i have a excel file inside my project folder now i want to open the excel using excel application and do some update and save that excel file in same project folder

can any one help me?

Thanks in advance.
12 years ago

above is code in jsp page which opens this very page in excel with file name leaveDetails.xls but in some clients computer the filename is orbitary like "weqbbd"

and user is confused while saving this file with arbitory name but when opened this file it is opened with excel that is fine. what is the problem that changed the

name of the file please help thanks in advance
12 years ago
Dear Pete Nelson,Does input stream works on image file also the file uploaded may be image or text extension or any extension.Can you give me examples how to follow these steps in general
12 years ago
Dear Stefan i think your solution works but i am new to jsp so as requested by you i cannot perform task so please can you give me step by step to perform these task
12 years ago

Above is the code how i am saving files inside uploadedFiles.
But i want to save file outside of context that is uploadedFiles folder and context folder on same directory.

Please help

Thanks in advance

i can save outside of context by setting srcPath

now i have problem while showing that file in jsp page

i am using

to display that file but it give me http 404 mesage please help
12 years ago
i have a .jsp page that displays a page called invAppliedList.jsp where records can be viewed.

And in this page the records are updated using ok button.

Which changes the status of that record so that that record does not show later.

But when user clicks the browser back button the record that has been updated is shown.

So i tried to use pragme no-cache so that the page reloads when user clicks back button.

But it is not working please help.
12 years ago

Martin Vajsar wrote:

prajapatisagar Sagar wrote:thanks for the reply but i want to use max(leave_applied_dt) show that it displays the max date first then others

I don't understand your requirement. Do you want just to independently verify that the query does indeed return the max date first?

Thanks Martin the first reply helped be the problem is solved thanks bro!!!

Martin Vajsar wrote:In Oracle, rownums are assigned to rows before the order by step. You need to order the resultset first and then filter out the rows using rownum:

thanks for the reply but i want to use max(leave_applied_dt) show that it displays the max date first then others