Anjaneyulu Mannam

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since Mar 02, 2011
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Download jansi-1.4.jar and set classpath and then Try This code 100% working :

10 years ago
This is a Sample Program
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am trying to delete the one user data in the Oracle SQL server database by using Servlet program (Tomcat server).

In Database table have 6 users details are there.

Table name is "JDUSER" and columns are USERS (Char), PASS (Varchar2) and CODE (Varchar2). I am trying to delete 4th user details.

While loop is not terminate, in while loop why If condition not working it checking until end of the table and gives else black statement. So what is my mistake and please give the solution to me.

My HTML code is:

My Database table is:

My JavaServlet Program is:

So finally where is my mistake and in while loop If condition true even though if loop not working.
i am given 4th usre details in HTML page. Please give me solution.

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