This week's book giveaway is in the Agile and Other Processes forum. We're giving away four copies of DevSecOps Adventures: A Game-Changing Approach with Chocolate, LEGO, and Coaching Games and have Dana Pylayeva on-line! See this thread for details.
Agree.. but now it is not iterating in the while loop. the entry = (ZipArchiveEntry) ais.getNextEntry() return null for any new file. It only seems to iterate once correctly writing the file.
I'm trying to decompress a zip archive with a sub-directory using apache commons and commons compress. It runs with no errors, however, the files appear as folders and are empty. Not sure what is causing this...
I'm trying to unzip 3 files in three different folders found in the assets folder to my external file directory (ctx.getExternalFiles). Using Log.v(output of the file being zipped), it appears to be copying and unzipping correctly. However, when I check the folders that are correctly created, no data exists. I've set permissions in my manafest correctly as well. Does anyone know what could e causing this?
Thank you, I appreciate the feedback and agree. Actually, I did have most of the code broken out as you mention, but after hours of troubleshooting, its sort of mutated itself in what you see. I will clean it up. I'm still not sure why it is not producting expected results in the loop.
No, I checked that possibility. Also check the two values prior to adding to the map and they are indeed correct. For some reason, the new maps are not created. It repeats the first map created and put it in there 15 times
I'm not able to add new map objects to the ArrayList. It simply repeats the first object over and over. Please help determine why it is not updating the List with a new map object
Currently, I'm trying to pass a resultset to a Table helper in order to return a table that gets added to a panel within a tabbedpane. When I launch, nothing shows except if I add the returned table to a JOptionPane and then it works fine. Not sure what I'm doing wrong as I normally do not work with swing
Thanks. The form action is a requirement to use it exactly as-is.. so I cannot change it to a better practice.
The url in the web.xml mapping must begin with "/". When I match it exactly with the form action "servlet/edu.vt.cs5244.EnrollmentAdmin", netbeans throws an error as shown below: