Marek Krzeminski

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since Mar 13, 2011
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Recent posts by Marek Krzeminski

I'm trying to implement this:

Where the middle section is both a splitter between the top and bottom sections, and a toolbar with buttons.
10 years ago
I found that I could use splitPane.setDividerSize() to change the thickness of the divider already. Now I'm trying to use layered panes ( to place buttons on the thick splitter
10 years ago

Campbell Ritchie wrote:Split Panes?

I was actually looking at that exact website earlier today, but it doesn't explain how I can place buttons On the splitter, or how I could even enlarge the thickness of the splitter to make room for buttons.
10 years ago
I'd like to create a GUI which has a top section, a splitter below it and a main content section below the splitter. I'd like to make the splitter real fat (ie 100 pixels or so high), so that I can place some buttons on it. It could then act like a toolbar in my application.

How would I implement such a thing? Basically the splitter should still behave like a regular splitter when you move it up or down, but it has the added functionality of toolbar buttons on it.
10 years ago
using an existing C++ compiler is an interesting idea, however licensing this code could be tricky.

I plan on doing all of this work in C++ myself.
A few things that caught me by surprise in Java already are:

* the whole "package" business
* member variables in a class that don't have public,private,or protected written infront of them
* vectors of int, float, short etc
* all the auto-code generation features available in eclipse

I'm also still trying to get comfortable with the garbage collector. I'm not use to not deallocating memory after I request it using new.
13 years ago
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this question but here goes.

I would like to write a C++ parser that can take .h and .cpp files and give me a listing of functions and variables that are stored in those files. Does anyone have suggestions on how I can do this?
I'd use JavaScript to process the user's response.

I use the jQuery framework to make writing JavaScript easier. With it you could do something like:

$( "form input:checkbox").each( function() {
//do what ever you need here per check box object
13 years ago
If I get stuck in C++, I'll typically use MSDN to find the solution:
13 years ago
Have a look at the white paper posted here:
13 years ago
If you have stored your data in a standard template library vector you can do:

std::vector<MyObject> myArray;

myArray.push_back( new MyObject("obj1") );
myArray.push_back( new MyObject("obj3") );
myArray.push_back( new MyObject("obj2") );

std::sort( myArray.Begin(), myArray.End() );
13 years ago
Hello I'm new!

I recently started working with Java so I hope this forum can help me when I get into problems with Java. I'm a C++ programmer myself and from the looks of it, the transition to Java should be pretty straight forward.

If there is anyone interested in learning C++ Game Programming have a look at my website at
13 years ago
If your ball keeps going to the same height with each bounce then there must be a problem with your friction calculation, or the friction is too low.

Have a look here: and compare the equations that I derive with what you have implemented.

For added randomness, each time the ball hits something, use a random number generator to "slightly" deviate the direction which the ball should go in so that the motion is more random!
13 years ago