Madhan Sundararajan Devaki

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since Mar 18, 2011
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Recent posts by Madhan Sundararajan Devaki

From your posts I understand that you still need to use Java3 and that at the moment you are facing issues is using IDL/CORBA provided by Java3 against other CORBA applications.

The only option I can see is that, you need to start addressing the issues yourself (with assistance from the JavaRanch members) one-by-one using Java3 (quiet time consuming!).
13 years ago
Where are these two text boxes placed? On a Web user-interface or on a Desktop application' screen?
13 years ago
View Controller Model (VCM) : V=HTML/JSP; C=Servlet; M=DAO/JDBC Layer

You need to write Java code that, should send the values entered in V to the C which should call the right entity in M.

Entities in M interact with the DB to insert/update/delete/select data.
Try searching in the Internet for Java CORBA library compliant to your C++ CORBA version or vice-versa and use the appropriate one.
13 years ago
Please check if your JMS provider has settings for message retention duration. I believe, decreasing this value should remove the message once it is read from the JMSQ.
This is the reason why anyone would want to use a JEE container. Don't you think so?
Which executes first? (the jsp or the code setting the message value)
13 years ago
From your post, I understand things work well on the web-front, but in the console the Chinese characters are not displayed properly. Tomcat console is not unicode configurable I guess, hence, the issue.
13 years ago
One possibility is that, myeclipse does not seem to recognise template libraries and is rendering the place-holders as such, whereas in Tomcat the template libraries are recognised and the place-holders substituted properly.
One possibility is that, the thread could have been killed.
13 years ago
Please post complete Exception Stack Trace, for easier assistance.
13 years ago
Please make the entry point of your application as this Filter.
13 years ago
Please store a secret KEY in the session instead of in the cookie. If this key is not present then re-direct user to login page.
13 years ago
The Servlet container that compiles-and-runs JSP file sees changes to content then it re-compiles the modified files. This in turn will cause the changes to be reflected in the next reload.
13 years ago
Enqueue inserts a message into the DB used by the JMS Provider.

Dequeue selects-deletes-and-returns a message from the DB used by the JMS Provider.