ayatullah syauqi qasthalani

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since Apr 01, 2011
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Recent posts by ayatullah syauqi qasthalani

Ashish L. Sharma wrote:

Great! Congrats Ayatullah Good going... So what now ?? I would like to appear for OCPJP myself... would you please guide me on how to do that? I am a newbie to java

You Should have read these books :
- Head First Java by Kathrine Sierra
- SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 6 Study Guide by Katherine Sierra and Bert Bates (K&B)

After You finished those books, try mock exam from http://examlab.tk/

After finished each exam mock session, find your weakness and keep comeback read those books to understand it more depth.

If you think you're more than 60% ready enough, then buy OCP Java SE 6 Programmer Practice Exams

After Finished each exam mock session, find again your weakness and keep comeback to those books before you continue.

At the end, visit coderanch everyday.

Good Luck Asish..
12 years ago
Hi all, last friday 09/03/2012 I've passed OCPJP 6 with score 86%.

Thanks to all rancher for your support.

Shouldn't I had accept email from oracle that confirm my passed test and my certview account ?
12 years ago
Iterator it = List.iterator();

it should be :
Iterator it = list.iterator();