vinod kumar h v

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since Apr 10, 2011
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Recent posts by vinod kumar h v

To Andrew

Am sure i didnt make clear what i wanted say to you.My fault

I want to measure the response time of the server at different loads like 500 TPS, 1000 TPS, But you already told me thats one way of measuring stress . Can i use the same to measure performance ??? (the throughput of the server in a given bandwidth, given processor and the RAM) Am just interested in measuring the performance in one way and increase its performance by adding hardware ..
13 years ago
Thank you Andrew and William,

Andrew, as you guessed am measuring stress in terms of number of successful transactions versus number of error transactions. And was trying in real time. Doing the tests on a web site. Now am thinking of switching to offline . And the example you gave "ramp up from 500 TPS to 15000 TPS then plotting graph and finding the breaking point is certainly the best idea. Thank you once again . Now how to measure performance of the server??? and now i will switch to stress testing locally using tomcat server.

William, yeah my service is just serving the static pages.
13 years ago
Hi tim,
Hello william,

Tim , yeah i do know about jmeter, and i tried using it. but i didnt get the entire working process of jmeter. i searched the web and i got some posts suggesting how to use it. But all they have given is for testing the tool in a local server. I have already designed a stress testing tool . But i don know whether the results am getting are correct or not. i need to compare the results with some standard testing tool....Do i need to measure the response time while stress testing??? Am not aiming to design performance testing tool where i need to measure the response time. I guess what am sayin makes sense to you.

@both(William and Tim)

The reason i posted is to know whether the tool i have already designed is working correctly or not...

A brief description of my tool is like this...

1) My tool takes two commandline arguments, one the url of the website and second the number of users it wants to simulate.

2) Then the tool generates the number of requests specified, and then calls the spider module.

3) the creation of threads and the call to the spider module is done in a loop and the status is checked with "HTTP_OK". and am displaying all the URLs that each thread crawled that means each page is requested 50 times if the second argument is 50....

Now tell me how to measure the stress ?? This is the current work am done with.. what are the other thing that i need to do??

13 years ago
Hi william,

yeah i have started with it. I am familiar with URLConnection and HttpUrlConeection class. Right now i have so many things goig in my mind... i do know that i need to simulate a huge number of requests to generate load on the server.. So one thing is, can i use a single port for sending huge number of requests and receive response for those requests ..... And whats the way to measure the bottleneck on the server... in what form i should get results...??? do i need parsing ???

Thank you in advance..
13 years ago
What are all the requirements for designing the tool?? i know one thing, that is i should simulate a huge number of users for generating requests... One thing is i need to designa tool which is simple and easy to use.... Consider i want to design the tool which works for only HTML paged web sites.... (i do know some parsing is required).. so please guide me on this... first all the requirements to start with..
13 years ago
Hi William

I was busy in my internal evaluation process and was not able to reply . And am very new to apache tomcat and the Grizzly server that you told me, in fact i came to know it only by you. And the problem is still i was not able to figure out which files to download to configure the Grizzly server . So if you could please guide me which file to download. And if possible help me knowing the architecture of the Grizzly server and the part which i can implement the desired algorithm.Thank you

13 years ago
William, help me am not getting how to download.'';. Thank you in advance

13 years ago
Thank you William and Tim for your replies

Tim your explanation is so deep, i need to go through all of the source code to get all your points.. thank you ..

And William thank you again, sorry for late reply went to my home town for some time.. And what you said about using Grizzly server, without you i would have never come to know about it. I will try it out.. And hope for the best (I have time limit of about 45 days further to complete this project) so i will try my best to contribute to the server .. I will go through the source code.

13 years ago
Thank you so much william for the reply

But am new to tomcat and after your reply i found two java files (HttpServlet and HttpServletRequest) i didnt go through that , i thought i first make clear the problem am trying to solve as part of my academic project

I have written a tool which measures the maximum load a server can handle and i want to run it first on local server, which is actually not my goal. I have read this IEEE paper "Tuning Web Server for Web Traffic in stochastic Web Applications" which talks about tuning performance of the web server by implementing a RED(Random Early Detection) queue in the server for holding the requests from the clients instead of using FIFO queue to hold the requests . So the notion is i have the RED algorithm and i have to implement it in tomcat instead of FIFO data structure( algorithm) so that i can compare both the results . That's my goal "To compare the results obtained from server implementing a FIFO queue and the server implementing RED queue when the server is loaded above threshhold level" . I think you got my point and am really waiting for your reply. I dont know what am saying make sense or the architecture of tomcat is not like what am thinking. I just need that part which stores the requests and i want to change it .And tell me if i could do that or not. So am eagerly waiting for your reply.

with regards,
13 years ago
Hello everyone..

What i mean in the above question is that, when we send a HTTP request to the apache tomcat server in which data structure does it get stored for further action(like processing it and serving the request)

I am designing a testing tool to check the performance of a server . So am simulating huge number of HTTP requests by creating threads and sending HTTP requests.....So WHERE DOES APACHE TOMCAT server store these request for processing.

I want to change this implementation according to one IEEE paper. I have downloaded the source code of apache tomcat server and want to know where i can change this implementation (in which file???) . Some one said there will be FIFO queue to store the requests.. But i am not sure about that.. I want to implement RED(Random Early Detection)queue instead of FIFO queue .
PLese please help me
13 years ago