I use webView.loadDataWithBaseUrl("",data,"text/html","utf-8",null) to display a html code,
but there is nothing to display,just a white background.
are there any body know what happen?
html code like "<p>hello world..</p>"
you can't. you can't get an Instantce of a abstract class or method. abstract methods are only declared but not implmented.
if you use static key word, can you call a method like:" public void method(); " without Methods body?
so you can do nothing like "ClassName.method()"
just print a message to test whether your code have executed or use debug.
check the value of "n_id" and session.getAttribute("new_notice") after you set Attribute
I defined my own filter to do something, but I can't touch off it.
I test agian and again ,finally I find when I use forward jump I can't access the filter, but redirect is normal.
how to solve it. help!