James Dinho

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since May 24, 2011
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Recent posts by James Dinho

Welcome Edward & Robert! Good luck for your book!
I'm sorry, I did it to simplify the post.

Hope this help you. Thanks
I have a problem when persist an entity with its childs in OneToMany relationship. Here my two entity:

And now the persist operation that generate ORA-02291 error:

What can i do to fix the problem?

Thanks to everyone!
Hi everybody,
I'm using JBoss 7 for my webapp and I have several problem using ojdbc7 as jboss module. Here my configuration:



In my Java class, I want to instantiate OracleOCIConnectionPool because i want to connect to oracle db with different settings respect to those defining in standalone.xml (i have two different users that access to db).
When I try to use OracleOCIConnectionPool in my webapp, I have the following error:

I don't know why. Can someone help me, please?
9 years ago

Jaikiran Pai wrote:Is Weblogic fronted by some other web server which has some kind of 60 second timeout and which then re-triggers the request?

Yes, is an apache timeout problem. Thank you! ;)
11 years ago
for my web application I use Weblogic 10.3.5, Jpa 2.0 and Spring 3.1.
When I execute a search feature a strange thing happens: controller calls back-end side and java routine start (jpa db connection for get results and then java operation). Every one minute (I see this in front end and back end log file) the same functionality restart until Weblogin session (720 seconds) expires (operation during in total about 1 minute ad 30 seconds) . It seems as if there is a timeout of one minute. I have analyzed the status of the request with firebug and it seems that only one request start...but in the log file I see several started of the same functionality.

Can anyone help me?
11 years ago