kushagra mittal

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since Jun 02, 2011
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Recent posts by kushagra mittal

Peter Johnson wrote:Right-click on Computer (it might be on your desktop, or you can click the Start button to see it), select Properties, and then click the Advanced System Properties link. On the System Properties dialog click the Environment Variables button. You can add the settings to either the User or System variables section.

i set the path of JDK in JAVA_HOME but it was saying JAVA_HOME should locate jdk not JRE
12 years ago
i have to set JAVA_HOME and JRE_HOME in environment variables...How can i do that in Vista..
12 years ago

Peter Johnson wrote:Have you verified that line 41 actually returns an email address?

Also, please post the full exception stack trace, that will make the error clearer (without that we will just be guessing).

Ya line 41 returns an Emailaddress.




at line 102,112 and 119 resp...
12 years ago

Paul Clapham wrote:Looks fine to me. (Except it wasn't posted with the code tags, but I've fixed that for you.) Why do you ask?

Lines 102 and 112 raises a exception but null messege is printed in catch BY getMessage function...
12 years ago

wats wrong with his code!!!
12 years ago

David Freitag wrote:You should try downloading the newest version of netbeans, it shows you using v6.5, 7.0 is out now. If that does not work i would check to see if you have the latest version of the java... and if none of that works i would switch to Eclipse, mostly because it is supported by the devs@google...

Can't i any how update this IDE to use newer versions if that API's .. Becoz i installed new netbeans that's pretty slow..
12 years ago
Trying to install android plugin for netbeans...So this error come...
12 years ago

Bear Bibeault wrote:As I do not use Windows, I'm not exactly sure, but I believe that you define the JAVA_HOME environment variable via the control panel somewhere. Google around for instructions.

Path for java_home is set in environment variables......
12 years ago

Bear Bibeault wrote:Then you don't use a shell script to start Tomcat, you use the Windows proprietary .bat file. Shell scripts are for real operating systems.

(Unless you are using cygwin?)

Neither the JAVA_HOME nor the JRE_HOME environment variable is defined
At least one of these environment variable is needed to run this program

Path for java_home is set in environment variables......
12 years ago

Bear Bibeault wrote:Window? You should be doing this from a unix command line.

You are running Mac OS X or Linux, right?

No i am running Windows Vista....
12 years ago

Mike Zal wrote:1) Go to the directory where the script is located
2) Make sure its permissions include execute
3) Execute the script like any other by typing ./startup.sh

But it open select a program from a list to run the file window....
12 years ago
How to start apache tomcat server with startup.sh file.
12 years ago