Naishadh Parmar

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since Jun 02, 2011
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Recent posts by Naishadh Parmar

I agree with Dittmer, so I will not give you the CODE but I will give you a hint:

Get the system service - Telephony Manager - to get information related to telephony
10 years ago

I have been trying to add android-support-v7-appcompat to my android project and found that there were no files in src! I also checked with another sdk and the src folder was empty there too.

So is it supposed to be empty or have I done something wrong.

If I have done something wrong please advise how I should get the files
10 years ago


I went into Run/Run Configurations. Didn't find run profile.

Please advise
This is the message before the error

01-04 18:37:56.113: E/dalvikvm(12153): Could not find class '', referenced from method com.applix.nsa.AddActivity.onClick
01-04 18:37:56.113: W/dalvikvm(12153): VFY: unable to resolve new-instance 730 (Lcom/google/gson/Gson;) in Lcom/applix/nsa/AddActivity;

The error

01-04 18:41:06.209: E/AndroidRuntime(12153): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
01-04 18:41:06.209: E/AndroidRuntime(12153): java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
01-04 18:41:06.209: E/AndroidRuntime(12153): at com.applix.nsa.AddActivity.onClick(

I want to add one external jar to my Android project in Eclipse IDE.

I used the following methods:

1) Add the jar to the "/libs" folder

2) Add the jar to the "/libs" folder and then right-click on it and then add it to the build path

3) Add the jar to the "/libs" folder and then right-click on it and then add it to the build path then go to "Order and Export" and exporting my jar

4) Add the jar to the "/libs" folder and then right-click on it and then add it to the build path then go to "Order and Export" and reorder them placing my external jar the top and then export it

5) Go to the project properties and add the jar and then again 3) and 4)

6) Add the <uses-library> tag to the AndroidManifest (which showed a completely different error)

None of them worked.

It shows no error when coding but when I am testing it shows NoClassDefFoundError.

How do I go about it?

I am a 9th grade kid having some knowledge of Android programming. I have also put up a game "XnO" on the Play Store. It has some minor UI issues but works fine.
Because I am a 9th grade kid, I may not be able to put in quality time. So, you be the judge!
10 years ago

I want to apply borders to a table and also to the cells within it. How do I go about it?
10 years ago

Get "Head First Android Development". It will give you a very basic idea of android programming. Then go on to "Android in Action". But, as Dittmer said one book is better than bits and pieces of information.
10 years ago

I am a bit confused. First you said more than one row and then you said more than one result.

Please give more details on this problem
10 years ago


Understand the activity life cycle thoroughly and you will know which method is called. I would have told you but then you will not learn!
10 years ago

It depends.

If you want to your app to work on multiple screen sizes, you make separate folders and place a separate layout for each screen size (small, normal, large, xlarge). So for one layout you have four files of the same layout in different folders.
If you want to your app to work on multiple pixel densities, you make separate folders and place a separate layout for each pixel density (ldpi, mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi). So for one layout you have four files of the same layout in different folders.
If both, then both.

But as such, I don't think there is any way to arrange the layouts INSIDE the folder.
11 years ago

It is a JAX-WS web service deployed on glassfish 4 and we have NOT implemented it as a stateless session bean.
11 years ago

I am sorry:

In line 35..................
11 years ago