Since I know I'm going to have a lot of questions before I ever finish my project I kept this topic subject generic, so I can post my future questions here as well.
I am working on my project, which is available here
Guidance appreciated: Designing a board game
I've started this project over and over couple of times now. Since I'm quite inexperienced I think I have been taking too big bites and that's the reason for all my troubles.
Quick introduction, to save you from reading my other thread:
I am trying to "computerize" a board game with different monsters and objects which reacts to one another on the battlefield. Took, Stephan van Hulst, advice and I'm trying to get the basics done. Representing the game in it's simplest form in some console representation before going to mess around with the GUI.
What I have so far:
Character class with fields for name, id and co-ordinates in the field
Battlefield class which is responsible for building an array (trying to represent the grid) and printing it out to the console like: [][][]
Controller class which should be responsible for adding different elements to the grid and moving them around in the field.
Now I have stumbled upon some questions I would like to clarify before going any further.
* I have a Game class to use it as a point where I kick everything off. I have something like this in there. For some reason, approaching like this doesn't feel right. Should I solve this somehow differently?
* I define some standard parameters for player in the Character class constructor. My Field and Controller class constructors are empty. Should I try to call some methods or to set something in them?
* At the moment I am using an array int[][] to represent the battlefield [][][] format. Where should I define this array and how should I go about doing different things with it (ex. adding new players to it). I have defined it in the Field class, as a static array.
To add players I grab the array reference by getter and pass it to the method in the Controller class which doesn't return anything. Am I going to the right direction by passing it around? Should I approach this somehow differently?
Thank for your time.