Jigs Gohil

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since Jun 09, 2011
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Its actually quite simple concept of http request.
1st time the value gets set into the request and you get it.
But on the submit, a new request is generated.
Now, since you don't have that hidden variable in second jsp, the action object gets initialized with null value in "fromProfilePage" variable.
When you add the hidden variable, the value is retained in the jsp, so you get it in the action as well.
12 years ago
see if this helps...

13 years ago

Siddharth Bhargava wrote:


<action path = "/validationExample"
type = "com.example.action.ValidationAction"
name = "ValidationExampleForm"
input = "/validation.jsp"
scope = "request">
<forward name="success" path="/displayValidation.jsp"/>

You are missing validate="true" in the action tag....
13 years ago
Thanks Anantha...
I have created the DataSource in the weblogic...(Production Mode)
But after doing that I faced two Problems....
1) with CLOB data weblogic wrapped the result and returned it....so I have to typecast it with weblogic CLOB instead of sql CLOB...thus writing the App Server dependent code....
any alternative for this...?
2) I am having procedure doing following 2 things... i ) inserts data into Global Temporary Table (Oracle) ii) Opens a Cursor which fetches the data from the same table...
Now the problem is..When I am Using Hibernate Configuration for Connection Parameters .. the proc works absolutely fine i.e the cursor opens with correct data....
But when I use DataSource... the Proc doesn't return anything...i.e the cursor contains zero rows...

Any Idea what could the Problem....?
Here is my Hibernate Configuration file....

1) Kindly tell me which other properties do i need to configure to avoid this Exceprion...which comes daily in the morning forcing me to restart the server(weblogic 10.3)....???

2) Do I need to configure it in the Hibernate.cfg... OR it is better to create a JNDI using weblogic console....???

Hi, In spite of overriding equals, why HashMap is allowing duplicate entries...?

13 years ago