Bibhudutta Pradhan

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since Jun 24, 2011
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Recent posts by Bibhudutta Pradhan

here is the url-pattern in web.xml

Here is my controller

while accessing the url with http://localhost:8087/requestMapping/ , it is works, calls the handleKm() method.
but with http://localhost:8087/requestMapping/a.jsp , it should call handleJsp().but it does not work. result : HTTP Status 404 - /requestMappingExperiment/a.jsp.
why ??

If I chane the url-pattern from "/" to "/*" , although both method are called , but dont get to the appropriate pages.
May be the "org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver" is not working .

please help. I m new to SprimgMVC.
11 years ago
I cant understand now, that the same code I did a copy-paste in a new web application.
And it works fine.

I tried the old one by deleting the application from C:\Tomcat 6.0\work\Catalina\localhost\oldProject
don't work.

Then I tried to run it on my friend's computer. But did not work.

Then I created a new project from the scratch. And just copy paste the same code from the old project.
And its just working fine.

May it be a virus effect ??? I cant understand.
Please share your experience.
11 years ago

11 years ago
Hi William Brogden. Thanks for your reply.
According to you I have tested like this :
11 years ago
Hi Bear!

Both servlets are in the same web-app. Infact in the same package.
The Redirect URL without a context path also works for me.
But I have tried with a context path also. But with no results.
11 years ago
Edit : for the second servlet
The SecondServlet is here.
11 years ago

Here is the Second Servlet

name=null , in the SecondServlet
Whats the problem?
11 years ago
what to put in view and what to put in controller, I really dont understand .
Would you please provide me some resource on that ?
Thanks .
11 years ago

How could I perform this without using <%%> ?

11 years ago
Thanks for your quick reply.

Now is there any ideal way to populate data in a drop-down-list at the very first visit of a jsp page form ??

I was doing like this
11 years ago

How the above code could be replaced with EL ? or Any other way ?
Please help.
11 years ago

Please explain it . What is the difference between the two methods show1() and show2() ???
When to use the wildcards ?
The program gives the out put but with the missing first letter of every line.

Please Help

12 years ago

Error :
Not Found

The requested URL /schoolAutoSysV1/pages/ff.action was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.


The project is running on my local system. But after uploaded on the server its throwing the above error.
I think there is some problem connecting with the database
The databse i have used is mySql.

please help.

12 years ago



pages is the root namespace.

Thats All

Again thanks to all.

12 years ago