Puru Narayan

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since Jul 09, 2011
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Recent posts by Puru Narayan

Hi Lyju,

I saw your post for the re-submission of your assignment for deployment diagram. I also failed in the same and re-submitted on 24th Nov, 2011. How long will it take to get the results? Do we need to wait for months again to know the results?
Failed in deployment diagram. I have scored 128 but still fail because of deployment diagram. I got only 14 marks for deployment diagram. In addition I got some comments for technical risks and interaction diagram. I have only one more week to re-submit my assignment. But the biggest problem is I lost my original assignment jar file due to laptop crash and no backups available. I sent an email to Oracle and Pearson Vue for my original jar file, but till today no response.

Is it safe to send only the deployment file as jar? How about the other commented sections? Can we ignore? Any help on this will be highly appreciated.
Failed in deployment diagram. I have scored 128 but still fail because of deployment diagram. I got only 14 marks for deployment diagram. In addition I got some comments for technical risks and interaction diagram. I have only one more week to re-submit my assignment. But the biggest problem is I lost my original assignment jar file due to laptop crash and no backups available. I saw your post, as you mentioned we can submit only the failed sections. I sent an email to Oracle and Pearson Vue for my original jar file, but till today no response.

Is it safe to send only the deployment file as jar? How about the other commented sections? Can we ignore? Any light on this will be highly appreciated.
I received 128 marks but still fail. The biggest problem is I lost the assignment due to laptop and pen drive crash. I don't know how I can get a copy of my submitted assignment. Any light on this will be highly appreciated. In the deployment diagram, I got 14 out of 24 and asking for more details on servers. The assignment is GemstoneInternational. As I am constant watcher on this forum.

Question - Can I ask for the jar file submited to Oracle? Or is there any option to get the uploaded jar file from Pearson VUE site?