Lubosh Bazant

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since Jan 15, 2002
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I am just a novice.
I am writting a shell script that will be using some input parameters specified on the command line. I do not want to reference the arguments in my shell script using the $1, $2 (based on the position of the argument) I would like to assign the arguments to variables directly from the command line, something like: -my_argument=value -my_other_argument=value.
sh my_script -my_argument=value -my_other_argument=value
The reason why I want this is because each argument is mutually independet form each other. The script will use 5 arguments in total and I do not want the user enter all 5 arguments if I only need one of them.
Thanks for the help
21 years ago
I had some exposure to C from college. I was a finance major from college. I got lured to IT during the boom days of the late 2000. By the time I worked myself from finance - through business analysis - to C programmer it was too late. The bubble bursted. So the Java certification is the reminescence of my IT aspirations.
Now I am in project management, so things turned out better then I thought. I enjoy IT, but it became more a hobby than job.
21 years ago
So it's over. Test was more less what I expected. I used the RHE book to study and a bunch of mockup tests. I studied for 4 weeks - no prior programming experience at all. My recomendation is to do the Dan Chisholm's test to shape up your weak areas of knowlege. I did all the Giri Mandalika's tests. They are the best (bit harder than the actual test). M Green tests are out of date, but good to practice.
Thanks to all the participants who went through the trouble of making a mockup test. They really help.
21 years ago
Never mind the question - native method should not have a body.
Is this method declaration legal?
public native void aMethod(){};
According to Valiveru's mock exam, this statement is NOT legal. Can anyone explain.
I have a statement in a PL/SQL that is executed repeatedly in a loop. It is as follows
select last_name from employees where department_id = epartment_id

The only change in each loop is the bind variable �departement_id�. For each loop ORACLE has to perform the following steps for the execution of the statement:
1, Open Cursor
2, Parse
3, Define Column
4, Bind Variable
5, Execute
6, Fetch Rows
7, Close cursor
Now, there is no need to execute steps 1, 2,3 and 7 every time my program makes a loop thus they should be outside of the loop. The only steps inside of the loop should be 4,5,6. The idea is similar to prepared statements in JDBC, but I want to apply it to a PL/SQL function. Also would explicit cursors solve this problem? If not, is there a special build-in library that can help me? (I have seen some PL/SQL packages that addressed this issue but all of the solutions were too complex. I think that this is such a trivial and common problem that ORACLE should already develop some solution. I am just trying to avoid �reinventing the wheel�)
21 years ago
In unix I want to move all the files in one directory to another directory. The files in new directory should have the same name but also a date attached to the name of the file. I tried this but it won't work:
mv file_name.* dir/file_name.*.`date "+%m%d%y_%H%M%S"`
please help, I am not too skilled in UNIX
21 years ago
Thanks for the help it workes now. I have one last follow up question. What the function
does is to add an item to an array that is delared an initialized in the top frame, which
is always present and loaded. As one of you suggested, I could export the code and array initialization from
the top frame HTML document to a .js file and have it coded and inicialized there. My
question is, if I initialize an object in a .js file will I be able to share the data from
the object as I surfe from one page to another in the lower frame? The reason why it works
now is because the object is loaded on the top frame and it stays there even if I surf the
lower frame. Can I achieve the same thing through .js strategy. In other words what determines the lifespan of an object in .js?
Thank you for your prompt answer. I forgot to mention that the page where the code is written is loaded into the browser. There are 2 frames. The HTML page on the top frame has the code for the function I am calling in the lower frame. The top frame is always present and loaded. The problem is that the phisical location of the HTML document of the upper frame is not in the same directory as the HTML document for the lower frame. Thus I have to use the "../../" notation to redirect it to the correct directory to find the HTML document of the upper frame (2 locations up the directory structure) But this notation gives me a syntax error. Is there a way around this.
I am trying to call a method which is coded in a separate HTML
document which is in a different directory location.
for example
o nclick="document.doSomething()"
if i do this then I get an error that middle is unidentied. Fair
enough, the document.html document is not in the same directory as the
document from which I am calling the function, thus it can't find the
method. However if I point the method to the right directory, it
gives me a syntax error: see below
o nclick="../../document.doSomething()"
This in turn gives me a syntax error.
In other words: How do I call a function which is coded in a separate
HTML document which is not in the same directory as the directory
where I call the function from?
PS: O nclick really means onclick but the server was giving me problems in posting the message.
[ February 12, 2003: Message edited by: Lubosh Bazant ]
Don't both of the sides of the "or" comparison have to be of boolean data type. If you say that i=s.length() - the left side of the comparison is not boolean. Wouldn't that throw a compiler error?
I tried to run this excercise, however I always get the error that a non-ststic variable cannot be referenced from a static context. The variable in the super class is declared as static, exactly as in the first submission. Can anyone explain?
What exactly is the purpose of setting up the JAVA_HOME parameter in the OS environment. How is it different from classpath and path parameters?
22 years ago
I am running jdk1.3 and I am trying to establish a JDBC connection with a Oracle7.3 database sitting on a remote machine. I have my URL and User/password set up, however everytime I run the program the there is no output. The program does not go beyond the DriverManager.getConnection() line. Not even an exception is thrown. It just freezes. Also I am using a thin driver to establish the connection.
I was wondering if this is a common behaviour in some error cases and how can it be solved.