ai dan

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since Jul 18, 2011
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Recent posts by ai dan

When I make an ajax post to my method, i get the following error in the logs:

24-Jul-2012 18:33:12 com.sun.jersey.server.wadl.generators.WadlGeneratorJAXBGrammarGenerator attachTypes
INFO: Couldn't find JAX-B element for class
24-Jul-2012 18:33:12 com.sun.jersey.server.wadl.generators.WadlGeneratorJAXBGrammarGenerator attachTypes
INFO: Couldn't find JAX-B element for class java.lang.String

This code worked fine when testing with a CURL command but produces the above error when using an ajax post.
Any tips on what I might be doing wrong? I did google for this earlier and it mentioned overriding jersey with war files using :
com.sun.enterprise.overrideablejavaxpackages JVM property

But I tried this and it didn't work.
12 years ago
How realistic is the oracle sample exam compared to the real thing?
I know what the outcome is when its run properly, but the question says

with the command line "hello there"

Does that mean I should take it that the command line is "java hello there" or "java Arg hello there" I know for the first option, this wouldn't run but that's why I wanted to check as one of the answers is none of the above.
I know the problems with the code but want to check that "if it did compile" and i got a question stating "with the command line 'hello there'" how should this be interpreted because it could have said with the arguments hello there which would have been clearer.
I got this question, should i take it that the command line was "java hello there" or "java Arg hello there". I've got samples before where both scenarios apply and as this is a sample from Oracle, I wanted to make sure how to interpret it for the exam.

Compile time error
Compilation and output of "hello"
Compilation and output of "there"
None of the above

Seetharaman Venkatasamy wrote:what happened when you try oak=50.1; ?

Oops, I see that now. I ran the code but didn't use the 50.1 value.
I did the Oracle Sample exam and got the following question:

The answers were:

Which of the following if placed after the comment //Here, will compile and modify the value of the variable oak? (Select two options)

None of the above

The question says select two, but could the first three all work?