Hi so I know this is not particularly about Java it self, but hope it's ok to still ask this here
But I’m out of college like many are at this time, with some work experience under my belt mainly with C#, but not a lot. And basically I may have a job opportunity, but it’s working with ColdFusion and as I can see, there doesn’t really seem to be that big of a career future with ColdFusion as well as the fact that I’m just not that interested in working with it and in doing web development. On top of the fact that it’s not in a ideal location for me. So what I am thinking, if no other jobs come along soon, is to take the job get 1 to 2 more years of work experience and then try to get a job somewhere else that works with a more used language, like C# or Java. However I fear that most people would want work experience with those particular languages and by taking this job I will just be stuck. So what do you guys think? For most employers is work experience with the particular language they are hiring for important or is just work experience with programming in general ok for when just starting out your career?
Thank you for any help