Martin Vajsar wrote:Doesn't Oracle itself come with utilities to monitor performance? I'd say there is something like Enterprise Manager for Oracle, though it might be a standalone product. There are plenty of tools (including third-party ones) to monitor infrastructure nowadays; it seems strange that someone with an infrastructure so large would get to develop proprietary solution....
Anyway, measuring response time of a query is quite a crude way to asses database performance. The timing might be affected by events outside the database, what if the delay will be in your application? Oracle provides dedicated views to query performance data which are going to be much more precise (distinguish several types of bottlenecks, for example). This is quite a broad topic, but you might start here.
Jan Cumps wrote:No difference for MySQL or Oracle.
Do you need to connect with all 50 at the same time, or is it: connect to #1-> do somethiong -> disconnect -> connect to #2 .... ?
Zandis Murāns wrote:You are seeing full path to the file in that output message.
If you're not seeing such file in you'r file explorer, perhaps it's hidden or somehow invisible to the user. Copy full path of that file, run notepad or other you'r text editor and click open -> paste copied path -> return key press.
Zandis Murāns wrote:I belive this does not works because "somefolder" does not exists or test.txt exists already.
Have a try:
bhanu chowdary wrote:Hi Satnam,
How are you generating the file? Please put the code here.
Anshul K Jain wrote:HI satnam,
Try using the validate='true' inside your form tag.
olivier dutranoit wrote:here is a quick and dirty example :
olivier dutranoit wrote:for interservercommunications on this level, i use the HttpURLConnection.
for writing use *.getOutputStream();
for getting the response, use *.getInputStream()
for example, you can send an xml, and receive an answer, also as xml.
Search for the specifications of this one, you'll find it!
Vijitha Kumara wrote:
when server respond back to me the url remain same as it was at the time of request. so here my confusion is ,when server respond back than the that url should be client url. is it correct ?
Your browser(client) send a request to a server which will be the URL at the time you send it, and you'll see the response on the same. This does not change whether you send the request to any other server than the one you used before.
Vijitha Kumara wrote:
but when i click the submit button from my requestGenertor.html then url becomes "http://otherserverdetails:8020/ValidateServlet" which i think is fine because that is where the request has to be validated, but when i get the response from server the url remain the same. which i guess should be "http://myserverdetails:myPort/responseMessage" .
Why? What is that "http://mysever...." URL? When you send a request to a URL it doesn't change unless server sends a redirect to the browser, rather you'll see the response.