Vinod Kumar

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My company has a requirement where the application data for few countries should recide in the respective countries. Company usually hosts the web application and database server in US office and users from other countries use the app. But this new app has the data privacy requirement which forces us to think of individual country hosting their own application and database server.

The option of having data encryped and stored in US server is ruled out as it is legal law which restricts data transfer from one country to another as the data is sensitive.

If anyone has experience in resolving this type of requirement, please provide some ideas.

Company has J2EE and Websphere Servers and MS SQL Server servers and infrastructure in US

Vinod Kumar

In one of the application, the development team used the ActionForm scope as "session". Form beans have list of objects (some cases hash map) which are been retrieved from DB.The issue is we started seeing out of memory errors and we feel the session scope for action form is causing problems.

As this app is in production, is there a way to fix this scope issue.? If struts config is changed to request scope...many UIs are failing as they have some dependency...
I know it is an open question....any one dealt with fixing this type of issue in a large scale app ( more than 400 UI)?

Thanks in advance.

Vinod Kumar
14 years ago
Hi Friends.

In a 20 user concurrent file upload test , I found this error in WAS server log. Are there any issues within apache file upload component? There were around 50 users conurrently within the app during load test and only 20 were in file upload.

This was first exception and app went down. So wondering if anyone faced any similar issue. Thanks for any help.

00000030 ServletWrappe E SRVE0068E: Could not invoke the service() method on servlet action. Exception thrown : java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
at org.apache.commons.fileupload.DeferredFileOutputStream.<init>(
at org.apache.commons.fileupload.DefaultFileItem.getOutputStream(
at org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadBase.parseRequest(
at org.apache.struts.upload.CommonsMultipartRequestHandler.handleRequest(
at org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils.populate(
14 years ago
Hi all,

I am getting into the AJAX world slowly :-) but seeing the list of frameworks & the syntaxes followed in each of these frameworks scares me ..

As usual the asnwer to my question from a developer community would be "it all depends on what you need" but is there any one highly recommended AJAX framework (eg: dojo or jMaki) which I can use for my projects?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Vinod Kumar

Just wondering the trend of JEE5 projects these days w.r.t to application framework. With the EntityManager interface , JEE5 itself is easily configurable for persistence.
Also the annotations has made life simple with EJB3.0. Is there a need to go for Hibernate+Spring IOC if JEE5 provides these capabilities.?

Thanks in advance.

Vinod Kumar

15 years ago

Our J2EE application deployed in WAS 6.0 and in the server log we see there are requests to access favicon.gif but without application login (we have siteminder security installed). The URL for the gif and the gif itself is not valid , we do not know how this request is made and which client machine is sending this request, as the login user pin is NULL always. Due to this the sys out log are filling up as WAS throws lot of stack trace.

We hear that favicon is the bookmark icon and we use IE7, so if a user bookmarks a page say /xyz/ URL, will IE try to look for this favicon as /xyz/favicon.gif ? Log says the requests are to /xyz/favicon.gif ...and the requests are not in regular intervals...

We are able to ignore this exception now, but appreciate if someone can tell me how this request is made and how a web.xml or Struts Controller Servlet or Filter has to be designed to avoid this request of favicon. or if an application allows book marks should we do any coding in JSP.?

Thanks for your help.

Vinod Kumar
15 years ago
thanks Paul and Shikar for your pointers..upon reviewing closely the sql query and adding one more condition (where clause) it resolved the issue.. the resultset has only close to 10 records but joining tables hold hundred thousand records...changing preparedstatement to statement itself gave a very good response time of 9 minutes and upon correcting the joins gives results in 3 seconds!.
Hi Shikhar ,

The query has a where clause, the confusing part is why only through JDBC the query is slow?. More precisely no other query in my application I see this issue, means different between query response directly from a database vs through Java. Is Statement better than Prepared Statement?


Here is my situation...query which is executed from Java runs on MS SQL Server query analyzer within no time. But from Java it takes more than 20 minutes . I am using Prepared Statement. I am using MS SQL Server JDBC Type 4 driver.

Thanks for you any points...


Any one has experience in launching a small business web site which provides softwares for sample tests for various technical certifications.?
I have developed a web application for my interest, so want to know the possibilities of making it as a product by charging $25-$40 per test.

16 years ago
There are requirements in industry for the agile skills and if there is a certification that proves you have the skill than trying to explain what you did using Agile.

Thanks for asking,
A web blog which motivates you to get certifications!
16 years ago

Is there a agile project management certification available? and if so can one of you point me to the right website. I googled but I get lot of sites and not sure which one are authentic.

Thanks in advance.

We have a new requirement where Administrator can create forms dynamically with the fields he/she wants, assign if the field is required or not. The end user can use these forms to enter the data. Admin gets flexibility in creating forms, than asking IT team to develop them.

The fields on the forms can be radio buttons, select boxes, text boxes, text areas etc.

Wondering how it can designed (UI as well as dB model).

Can anyone throw some light on this?

16 years ago

I have two POJOs, User and Factory.
I have three tables, t_user, t_factory and t_user_factory

t_user has user profile (primary key is user_id)
t_factory has factory details (primary key is factory_id)
t_user_factory has user's assigned factories (user_id and factory_id are only columns here). The reason why t_user is not having a factory_id is that t_user will have lot of redudant data as one user can have many factories.

How I can get list of factories for a user using Hibernate? I declared a Set of factories inside User object. If I use the following code in User.hbm.xml, it is not recognizing the USER_ID column,it says invalid column name.
<class name="User" table="t_user" lazy="true">
<set name="factories" table="t_user_factory" lazy="false">
<key column="USER_ID" />
<one-to-many class="Factory"/>



[ March 06, 2008: Message edited by: Vinod Kumar ]
[ March 06, 2008: Message edited by: Vinod Kumar ]