Dennis Faggiani

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since Sep 21, 2011
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Recent posts by Dennis Faggiani

thank you for the reply, i'll change the path and see how it goes.

Peter Johnson wrote:You are getting a permgen space error, not a heap space error, so setting heap sizes will have no effect. You need to increase the permgen size using the -XX:MaxPermGen option.

Assuming that it is Tomcat that is blowing up with this error, open the Tomcat server (right-click on Tomcat in Server view and select open) then click Open Launch Configuration. On the Arguments tab, add "-XX:MaxPermSize=256M" to the VM Arguments.

If it is Eclipse that is blowing up, edit the value after the "--launcher.XXMaxPermSize" line in eclipse.ini.

Hi, this works perfectly!!
Thank you very much.
Now iém getting this

I created the file "contas.jasper" in this path "/Users/DennisFaggiani/Documents/workspace/FinanceiroWeb/financeiro/relatorios/contas.jasper" But it seems that it looking for in the wrong place, this is my class where i generate the report

Any ideas?
Thank you very much.
Hi guys, i'm getting an exception and i don't know how to fix it.
This started after i insert the ireport into my project.
I've already tryed to increase the JVM memory from the eclipse.ini, and tryed to pass arguments to Tomcat, but notthing seems to work, my project is over 30mb, i don't know if that's the problem, this is the exception i'm getting

does anyone can help me? i'm kind of desperate, it's been three days trying to fix it, and i'm not getting any success.
Thank you.
Hi guys, i'm having some trouble to create a piechart from a list

primefaces version 3.0.M3
tomcat version 7.0

this is the error i'm getting

this is where i call the list

and this is the list

Can anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong?

the AcaoVirtual is here:

Thank you very much.
13 years ago