manju bharathi

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since Nov 27, 2011
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I can Convert the above to string easily but my actual requirement is to read a byte Array.
so please tell me how to convert response object to a byte array.
13 years ago
In .net i created webreference with the name call
created Object as
call.Call obj = new;

then using obj try to call my method
then its showing me the error as follows

Error 1 Cannot implicitly convert type '' to 'string' C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\tst1\tst1\Form1.cs 24 23 tst1
13 years ago
i wrote a simple method that return a string in java. In .net client when i try to call the method instead of string it is returning callResponse object where call is method name. can you please tell me where the things are going wrong.

Here is my java code and i am using eclipse indigo and axis1.4.1 for generating web service

http://localhost:8080/tstws/services/Call?wsdl is generated without any problem
Thank you in advance.

[VK: Added code tags]
13 years ago