Jon Pepe

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since Dec 07, 2011
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Recent posts by Jon Pepe

Hi, I have a problem using a HTML value in my jsp page.

It doesn't work. I tried to do this before:

But I can't use parseInt like this. Can somebody help me?

I have a list ("nodoak") object where I have my "nodo" objects, with some atributes. I want use that HTML value to show a nodo or another. And then I want to change the value of the HTML node and reload the page.
12 years ago

Bear Bibeault wrote:

javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jdom/JDOMException

Looks like you are missing the jar file for JDOM.

I've got it in the build path, I added as a external JAR with Eclipse.

I use JDOM for extracting information from an .xml document in a method in the Nodo class. I tried supressing it and it works! So I have to do something with that .jar because in the moment of the building something goes wrong. Can someone help me?

Bear Bibeault, thank you very much, really.
Of course the class Nodo have setters and getters:

I'm reediting: It's a Maven project and I have to add a external file to the repository.

I'm explaining what happened. The class Nodo had a method that uses JDOM library, and it was failing. That's why it worked with a string, a string doesn't use that library. Now I have supressed that method and it works, but I still need that method. Do you know how can I make it work? As I say down here, I use Springsource Tool Suite (eclipse) and I had added the jdom.jar file as a external jar in the build path.

Hi guys,
I hope you can help me. I'm creating an easy MVC web app with Spring Framework (using STS) and I'm having problems with JSP.

I have a jsp page where I want to show some properties of my object "Nodo", but I'm getting this error:






I hope it's a silly error and you can help me, it would be great for me. Thank you.