Arvind Chourasia

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since Dec 07, 2011
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Recent posts by Arvind Chourasia

Hello Akhilesh,

thanks for the replies.

I was also facing the same problem as Naveen mentioned in the very starting of the thread.

I searched on google and found the page on tomcat site "".
which gave me idea to stop the running tomcat server (as WinNT Service) from Windows Services console (To Open it, Go to 'Run' > type 'Services.msc' and hit enter).

I stopped the Apache Tomcat Service from there and made its startup type as 'Manual' to avoid already started service every time I start the system.

After stopping the 'Apache Tomcat Service', Now i am able to start the Tomcat Server from Eclipse IDE.

Hope this would help.

Thanks Everyone..

Akhilesh Trivedi wrote:

naveen yadav wrote:same old story.

can i uninstall Tomcat from window-XP and then use Eclipse plug-in to install tomcat ? how can i do that ?

You can uninstall any program on xp from control panel. If you see it in add/remove programs then go ahead.
You can then download zip and install Tomcat(not as windows-service but rather a single folder).
What plug-in are you using currently, i think there is one called sysdeo. You can google it.
Plugin will not have Tomcat, you will have to first install tomcat and then use-plugin (probably copy-paste plugin files into some folders of eclipse inst directory) to connect tomcat with eclipse.
Restart eclipse(close and re-open after plugin-installation)
Now you should see stop-start icons of tomcat inside eclipse itself.
This should do.

Installing plugin enables you to start-stop-deploy-undeploy wars to tomcat from within the eclipse, however you are still free to use eclipse for development alone and manage deployments outside of it.

If you have time, I would suggest you still play around with your old installation before you think of uninstall-reinstall, you may have a learning experience.

Missed it, after successful installation of plugin you may to configure it to point to Tomcat installation directory.

12 years ago