Sabine Chemaly

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since Dec 08, 2011
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Recent posts by Sabine Chemaly

Hi again,
If I don't want to perform distributed testing.
If I have the below PC specifications, will they be enough?
PC specifications: HP DL360 (or DL380) Generation 6 or 7, 2 x XEON. 8-16GB ram
Thank you!
12 years ago
I want to perform stress testing on a web application, using JMeter, for 3000 users but without using distributed testing (if possible).
Will the below PC or something equivalent be enough? (adding that my test plans don't contain too many samplers and listeners and that they are small test plans.
PC specifications: HP DL360 (or DL380) Generation 6 or 7, 2 x XEON. 8-16GB ram
Thank you in advance
12 years ago
I need to know if there are any know problems if I install JMeter 5 with Java 64-bit?
Thank you in advance
12 years ago
Hi again,
When I took a small online JMeter Fundamentals course, I asked the trainer this question and his answer was that testing the production server with JMeter is like committing suicide because we never know what might happen, the server might crash and because sometimes the records which are created on the database can never be deleted.
So what I want to know is what could exactly happen?
And how we can avoid it from happening if it's avoidable.
12 years ago
The system is a Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
It is a read, write system. They suggested that we make a backup of the database and that the testing will be done during the weekend so no user will be working.
But I wasn't recommended to perform a stress testing on a production environment.
So I'm not sure if it's the right thing to do.
I'd like to know what could be the side effects because it's a complex installation with many third party systems integrated and setting it up again won't be easy.
Thank you
12 years ago
I'd like to know in order to stress test a web application using JMeter, from which number of user to be tested do we need to have a distributed testing?
Thank you in advance
12 years ago
I understand the idea now.
Thank you for the clear explanation and for the article.
I will go a little bit out of subject now but I need a one last suggestion from you, what do you suggest as software monitoring tool to be installed on Windows server 2008 and which will give me graphs that I could use in my report?
12 years ago
Where can I find very good links about JMeter remote testing (how to set up the machines and how to perform the tests).
Thank you in advance
12 years ago
I have a customer who has a web application already running since more than a year with many users working on it and huge amounts of records already created on the database.
They want me to perform load testing, stress testing (for 3000 users!!) and soak testing on the production environment because they don't want to build a duplicate test environment.
Do you think this is possible?
If yes what are the precautions that should be taken and what are the negative effects that we might face?
Thank you in advance
12 years ago
Does anyone have a suggestion or a good link of different graphs or tables that I could create to display the data extracted from JMeter stress testing of a website?
Thank you in advance
12 years ago
Hi again,
1- Since the values with the small SD are the accurate ones then why would I want to display the non accurate values (values with with high SD, where the system is not stable)
2- Beginning with which value is the SD considered to be a high value?
Thank you again
12 years ago
Thank you for your replies.
Karthik you reply is REALLY helpful but I have some questions.
1- Regarding the SD, when it's a big value, I don't take the response time value into consideration? I only save the values where the SD values are small?
2- When distributing the testing, how do I specify the number of threads to be tested on each machine? and how do i read the values for each machine separately?
I just found links that show how to configure the distributed environment but not how to do the actual testing (if you can recommend any link, that would be perfect!)

Thank you in advance
12 years ago
I'm new to JMeter.
What I need to do is stress testing a web application when 3000 users are registered.
1- In the Thread Group does 'Number of Threads' means number of concurrent users? If not what is it if we want to compare to real life scenario?

2- Let's say we have 1500 concurrent users, should I put 1500 as Number of Threads?
Or is it logical if I do it this way: I check with the company what's their target throughput from 1500 users and I check if we are able to reach it by taking any number of threads initially and increasing it to get to the target one. (This way we would have checked whether the customer is able to have the target throughput with a descent response time)

Any good advice will be appreciated.
Thank you in advance
12 years ago
I need to do a stress performance testing for a web application.
I need to check many scenarios when around 3000 users are using the website.
I am very new to JMeter.
What do you suggest I do, a JMeter proxy whith a recording of different scenarios or a Web Test plan where I choose some pages from the website?
Thank you in advance
12 years ago
I'm pretty new to JMeter.
I need some help with how to read the graph results of JMeter as the JMeter tutorial is not really clear.
Anyone has some interesting links, or maybe can post some explanation?
Thank you in advance!
12 years ago