Fernando Almeida Pereira

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since Dec 08, 2011
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Sadanandam Kurapati wrote:Hi Fernando,

Yes, this assignment has lot of gaps but it is up to us to fill those gaps with our assumptions and start building the system. Just document the complete assumptions.

I am not sure if the Oracle OCP Team intentionally left those gaps in this assignment or it it the standard way of providing the assignments to test the ability of candidate. Yes, the reality is completely different .


Thanks Sadanand! What you say makes sense and I am going to follow your advice!

As a general comment about the exam: I wish the assignments were a little clearer though, as we do not have the chance to elucidate the requirements as in a real life project. I believe we should make mainly architectural decisions instead of assumptions about the requirements (use cases), but I admit I can be wrong and this is the way It should be I hope this assignment gives me another perspective!

Thanks again!

Sadanandam Kurapati wrote:Yes the simple question is do we need to assume marketplace as http://www.deals2buy.com/ which will just used to post the products and user will be re-directed to consumer site whenever he want to buy a product or http://www.amazon.com/ where the buy, order etc all buyer activities will be at marketplace and marketplace will send messages to SuD.

I am not sure which way I need to proceed on this. Any help is highly appreciated.



I have also received this assignment, from my perspective this assingment is not clear enough, despite we need to make one of the assumptions, where is the auctioning market place pictured int the Use Cases, It is not specified as an external system! I see no reference to the Market Place anywhere in the diagrams! Is this assignment wrong or broken ?


Has anyone also signed up for the part 2 (assignment) and has a similar statement like the one below on it ? Have I received a "bugged" assignment ? I have tried to contact Oracle via PersonVUE but no answer so far. Please advise, thank you!

"4 Marking

The tentative marking for this beta is described below. The markings will be finalized based on the result of the beta. You will receive a single score for parts 2 and 3."