Hi Guys I am Displaying the Content of a MySql Database Table in a JTable where Status = 'O', After I select one record, the details are displayed in a different GUI and After an action Event on the new JFrame, the Status of the table is update to 'R' so that it does Not meet the Criteria for the Next Display in the JTable. Right After that I am Supposed to Go back to the Jtable GUI to select another record, so the selected record Should not be there. But In My Application the earlier Selected record is there even after the Database table Status has been Update to 'R' and I have to exit the Entire Program for the Effect to take Place. Is there a way in which I can go back to find the Jtable GUI refreshed so that the selected Records are still not there....
NB: The Database table is getting Update Well
Here is the Class for Display In the JTable:
And this is the Class for Displaying the details, and Updating the Database table Status;
Can some one please tell me what I should Do or What I am Missing out